Colors: Shades of oranges and yellows represent the power of God. Zinsser Smartcoat/Mambo/Toasted Clay/Rose Quartz to pop a neutral. Value of Concentration: Do not put limits on God. Memory Verse: I believe that your Holy Power will prevail within my life Good Morning ABBA, Father, Well, the cold of Autumn has swept upon the farm. There is a gloomy, drizzle this morning.  Yet your “Sonlight,” touches my spirit and empowers me. It’s time to sip my Cup Of Fancy, (Maple Bourbon Spice Decaf) and hunker down with you, listen for your whispers, as I digest…


Colors: A Green Ribbon is the symbol of mental health awareness. Greens/ Zinsser Smartcoat/Medusa Green/Mojito Green/Porcelain….. to pop a neutral Value of Concentration: Put on the Mind of Christ. Memory verse: Perceive my thoughts Oh Lord, and align them with Yours. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The morning dew is sparkling on the ground, as the sunlight rises over the farm. In Ohio, October weather chills quickly.  Most likely, this will be my last week, writing from my big, country porch.  Then, it’s up to my War Room, which I’ll inhabit til spring. The…


Colors: Zinsser Smartcoat…On the Green/Waterfont Blue/Orchid Breeze. These were my maid of honor colors, 51 years ago. Value of Concentration:  Why me? Memory Verse: Wash your Spirit of Calm over me Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Whew!  It’s been 3 wild weeks! I need my special time with You today.  You, me, and an Arnold Palmer, I’m sipping. It’s 80 degrees on the porch at noon, so I’ll need a cool respite. Three weeks with my husband in and out of the hospital, was enough to do me “IN!” Finally…


Colors: For a positive mindset: look to yellows. For guidance and clarity: turn towards shades of orange. While writing today’s devotion, the colors Dreamsicle, Lemon Curd, and Sunday Morning all stand out to me. All of these beautiful colors are from Zinsser SmartCoat. Value of Concentration: Seek your CALLING, with a positive mindset. Memory Verse:  ABBA, Father, show me the way, with clarity. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As the cool, fall morning gently calls to me, I am preparing my time for the two of us.   My Cup of Fancy to share with you, as…


Colors: Security Colors are gray, black, white. Love colors are reds. So reds, grays and black. Zinsser Smartcoat/Red My Mind/Vapor Gray/Nori Black….beautiful, strong combination of color palette Value of Concentration: We are secure in his love. Memory Verse: Hold me, ABBA, never let me go. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning, I need something rather strong, to drink, as I write. So, my Cup of Fancy is my Strong, Black, Green Mountain, Dark Magic Decaf. Gotta be the decaf, or my brain and emotions would be a frizzle. Since I am the last surviving member of…


Colors: Greens/Blues/Lavenders are all cool refreshing colors.  LOL! Can’t wait to see this palette. Zinsser Smartcoat/Key Lime Green /Waterfront Blue/Lavender and Lace/ now pop a creamy neutral..Buttermilk.  Value of Concentration: Refresh yourself in the Lord. Memory Verse:  Your cool breath is upon me this day. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As the weather becomes cooler. I am ready to be refreshed from the heat of summer.   The cool morning breezes flow through my big, country porch, as I sip my Cup of Fancy (Mint Iced Tea with lemon). Spending my morning…


Colors: The colors of direction/black/white/red/yellow These colors would be amazing for accent décor. Zinsser/Burnt Hickory Black/Cherry Blossom White/Roasted Red Pepper/Butter Cookie Yellow Value of Concentration:  Be willing to follow His lead. Memory Verse:  Good Shepherd, rescue me. Good Morning ABBA, Father, It’s 8 a.m….. and the sun will soon be shining its glories to the heavens. I’m here on the porch with You and my Cup of Fancy (a teapot filled with Irish Breakfast Tea, and two blueberry scones). The 23rd Psalm is my all time…


Colors: Greens and Blues are colors that release anxiety and bring peace to the soul. Zinsser Smart Coat Colors: Cucumber Cooler Green/Clear Skies Blue/Bubble Bath Blue Value of Concentration: I praise You, ABBA, for you protect me and give me rest. Memory Verse: I lie down in peaceful slumber. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I awakened this morning refreshed, which isn’t always the case.  As I sip my Cup of Fancy (Pumpkin Spice Tea), I am ready to share my sleep regimen. We all live in an insane world with kids, families, careers, and Woke Politics running…


Colors: White-Joy/Black-Suffering, and Lavenders for Perseverance. Smartcoat/ White Cherry Blossom/Black Chestnut Shells/Orchid Breeze Lavender Value of Concentration: Joy Vs. Suffering. Suffering produces Perseverance. Perseverance build character. Memory Verse: You are holding me tightly as I persevere through my trauma. Good Morning ABBA, Father. What a gorgeous morning to be on my porch spending time with you! It is raining tears from heaven. Tears of joy  and sadness. The air is cool, and I have my desk lamp on, due to the darkness of the clouds. Sadie, Bami, and Petie Pups are at my feet…

August 7

Colors: Reds and purples represent the powers in The Name of Jesus. Smartcoat combinations/ Bordeaux/Debonair/Cheeky to pop a neutral Value of Concentration: There is Power in The Name of Jesus. Memory Verse: Your Name is above All Names. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I hear the song,”The Heat Is On,” playing in my head. Yep, it’s gonna be a scorcher today: 95. I’m on the couch with my lap top, and the air is on already at 9a.m. My puppies can’t take the heat, so not much outside playtime today. As I sip my…


Colors: Zinsser/Smartcoat Yellows/ Joy/Lemon Curd/Butter Cookie Neutral..Yummy colors to bring light to your mind and emotions. Value of Concentration: The Word Brings Light. Memory Verse: Good Morning SonLight. Fill my mind this day, with your LIGHT. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, On this beautiful, sunny, July Morning,  the skies acclaim your glory. The blues and lavenders skirt across the sky, as the sun peeks through the fluffy, white clouds. A gentle breeze is flowing through the windows, as   the song birds sing to the heavens. My Cup of Fancy (Heath Bar Decaf) is perched next…


Colors: Greens are the color for mental health awareness. Wear a green ribbon during mental health awareness month. Zinsser/Smartcoat :Sweet SucculentGreen/Berlin Green/Pistachio Green  Value of Concentration: Mental Strength Memory Verse: My mind is transformed by The Word, and I rest in HIM! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Father, Your sense of humor sometimes cracks me up. I sit here with my Cup of Fancy, (Swiss Mocha Almond Decaf…no cream..wanna taste that chocolate), and I’m writing about the colors of mental health/greens. It’s a cool gray morning, As I looked up from…


Colors: Zinsser Smartcoat/ Blacks-warriors-Oxford Tie/Reds-bloodshed-Red My Mind/ Neutrals to balance-Elegant Swan White Value of Concentration: I AM A WARRIOR Memory Verse: I put on the full Armor of God. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, In the midst of summer heat, You provided a gentle rain, to cool and refresh the air. As I sip my Cup of Fancy, coffee sounds great this morning, (Highlander Grogg Decaf…splash of cream). Sitting on my country porch…the blessings flow. My husband and I worked like Trojans for 45 years to build this farm for our…


Colors: Green represents luck and growth. Gold represents, wealth, luxury, and self-worth. Red represents taking charge of your present finances. Zinsser/Smartcoat Colors: Holy Guacamole Green/Aged Medallion Gold/Heatwave Red. What a color combination!  Value of Concentration:  God is my Ultimate Provider Memory Verse: I receive your abundance, Father. Good Morning ABBA, Father, As I sip my Cup of Fancy ( Luzianne, Lemon, Mint Iced Tea) with You, my goal is to praise You for being my Ultimate Provider. I can go no further without claiming one of my favorite scriptures: Isaiah 43:1 Fear not, I…

June 19

Colors: I’m really going to blow your mind with this one. All colors are Smartcoat.Amber-Marigold-the glory of God, judgment upon sin, endurance. Orange- Dreamsicle-the Fire of God, deliverance, passionate praise. Fuchsia- Watermelon-Right relationship with God. Scarlett-Lobster Boil- Royalty, fine linen for tabernacle. Red-Red My Mind-Blood of Jesus, love of God, blood of The Lamb, atonement, salvation. Value of Concentration: Stay in The God Zone. Memory Verse: My mind is one with You, Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Staying in the God Zone, is a simple thing. Basically, you have a plan…


Colors: Yellows and oranges to bring joy and sunshine to your décor. Zinsser/Smartcoat/Apricot/Lemon Curd/Butter Cookie Value of Concentration: Seize the Kingdom of God: Carpe Diem Memory Verse: Bring me joy this day within all circumstances. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Well ABBA, It’s a hot one for June.  I won’t be out on the porch until this evening. I’m sipping a Luzianne Decafe Iced tea… filled to the brim with ice, lemon slices, and a few drops of Stevia, that’s my Cup of Fancy. Still, it’s my precious time with…


Colors: Yellows represent blessings/faith and the Glory of God, anointing, and joy. Joy Yellow/ Sunday Morning/Cream Puff Neutral/ all Smartcoat Colors  Value of Concentration: The blessings of God rain down upon us. Memory Verse: Holy Spirit, Reign in my thoughts and decision making. Good Morning ABBA, Father, How blessed I am this morning that I have the freedom to peruse Your Holy Word! To have my mind and thoughts empowered by Your Holy Spirit is miraculous. The above yellow colors reflect the Joy and Blessings given to us, daily.  I am a perfect example of becoming…

MAY 29

Colors: Reds/Pinks represent unconditional love. Red My Mind/Frose Pink/Giddy Pink  Value of Concentration:  Even in my sin and brokenness, You love me. Memory Verse: I am loved unconditionally….and You will never leave me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The last few days, have been very hazy and humid. It’s almost as if the farm as been glazed in a mist. There’s no breeze to blow this mess of haze out of our area, for a few days. Nothing can be seen clearly. However, the sun is trying to break through. As I sip…

MAY 15

Colors: Fear..black/fearless…white.. add a color to accent/pink/ for rest and femininity/ Smartcoat/ Carolina Foothills Black/Angelic White/First Date Pink. Value of concentration. The promises of God, within His Holy Word, demolishes fear.  Memory Verse: I am fearless in Your Presence. Good Morning ABBA, Father, “Summer Breeze…makes me feel fine….blowing through the jasmine in my mind.” OK, I’m a kid of he ‘60’s-70’s music era(Seals and Croft). Turning my Cup Of Fancy into iced tea these days. Peach Tea this morning with a wedge of lemon…


Colors: Glimmering golds represent, triumph and resurrection. Zinsser/Smartcoat…Golden Honey/Praline  Cluster/Charmed I’m Sure Neutral. This palette of décor would WOW a Room! Value of Concentration: We Are Triumphant Memory Verse: I’m on the winning team! Good Morning ABBA, Father, Beautiful May!  The sun is shining. The birds are singing. The fields of crops are erupting into a verdant green, due to a much, needed, few days of rain. My Cup of Fancy this morning is Green mountain Southern Pecan, with a vanilla scone. Father, I love spending time in The Word…


Colors: Gray and shades of blue/gray represent security and reliability. Smartcoat..Eminence/Taffy/and Silver Fox Value of Concentration: I am secure in the arms of My, ABBA. Memory Verse: God’s got This!  Good Morning, ABBA, Father, My Cup of Fancy this morning is iced tea. It is a combination of Luzianne Decaf/Lemon Zinger/Lemon Lift/Mint..with a wedge of lemon and a few drops of Stevia. It is so refreshing! How blessed I am Father!  Friends have come and gone throughout my life. You have brought me into a Bible study group; your…


Colors: Reds and purples represent a sound mind/strength/courage. Zinsser/Smartcoat/ Sangria/ Dusty Orchid/Sugar Rush..to pop a neutral Value of Concentration: Allow The Holy Spirit to control your thoughts. Memory Verse: My thoughts are one with The Spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, You are amazing, Father. As I sit here on my porch, and the rains are coming, you can literally see the corn begin to turn a deep green. We have not had rain for almost a month, and are in desperate need of a good soaking. Taking in my surroundings, You speak to me: “Little…


Colors: Aqua is the color of soul/blues are the colors of spirituality and inner peace. Zinsser/Smartcoat/ Ibiza Aqua, Siesta Key, and White Bay…to pop a neutral. Value of Concentration: I Claim the Unseen. Memory Verse: Holy Spirit, I feel your Presence. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It’s a bit cloudy this morning, and the spring rains will be welcomed, to ready the ground for planting. As I sip my Cup of Fancy from Granny’s China (Green Mountain Pumpkin-splash of cream) I create a special ambiance between us. Our time together, in Your Presence, is…


Colors: Greens represent focus, efficiency, and calm. Looking at my Zinsser Smartcoat Colors, I have found a WOW of a palette.! Green Ambition/Green Envy/Porcelain to pop a neutral. Wow! I’d  love to paint a room these colors!  Value of Concentration: Fix your eyes upon Jesus Memory Verse: Jesus, teach me to see through Your eyes. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The sun is streaming through my big, porch, windows. I sit here with my computer, and my Cup of Fancy; ready to spend time with you. This morning I’m sipping Lemon Zinger HotTea, of course…


Colors: Red/White/Blue.. Sherwin Williams – Real Red/Rarified Air White/Honorable Blue. Value of Concentration: Dependence vs Independence. Memory Verse: I am dependent, only upon The Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I’m out on my country porch this morning, for the first time this spring!.  I’m so excited! No windows are open yet; however..Coffee..Thee..and me are on the porch. My Cup of Fancy is Hazelnut Decaf..splash of cream. The colors of the American Flag represent our topic.  The red symbolizes hardiness and valor; the shed blood of Jesus Christ. I…


Colors: Reds signify love. Heatwave Red/Sashimi/Peony..to pop a neutral/all Smartcoat colors. Value of Concentration: He is with me throughout my day. Memory Verse: ABBA, I breathe in Your Love and Presence. Good morning, ABBA, Father, Coffee, Thee, and me… nothing better. This morning my Cup of Fancy is Toasted Pecan with a splash of cream. A chocolate scone awaits me! Father, I am so blessed that I was born into a Christian family.  After WWII, America was God and country.  Then came Viet Nam, Hippies, drugs, and Woodstock. The Woke in our nation are…


Colors: Yellows /burnt orange…represent identity/self-worth; Lemon Curd Yellow/Flamenco Burnt Orange/Cocoa Butter- to pop a yellow neutral. (Zinsser/Smartcoat) Value of Concentration:  Remember who you are through the Word of God.  Memory Verse: The Word gives me my identity. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, My Buckeye Candy Decaf is perking for my Cup of Fancy. Yum! You, Me, and coffee. Add a scone and I’m in heaven. Remembering who I am through the Word of God; MMMM no truer statement was made. I was clueless of who I was, until God got the…


Colors: Cream Puff/ Cocoa Butter/ Beige You Look-all shades of Smartcoat  Creamy Whites: they represent righteousness/purity  Value of concentration: Clothe yourself in righteousness through GRACE! Memory Verse: OH Lord! I love my new clothes! LOLOLO! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning as I sit in your lap, my Cup of Fancy is Oatmeal Cookie Decaf.  Yes, this daughter of yours always jokes; “I’m a decaf person only, because caffeine makes me Cra-Z-ERR than I already am!” LOLO!  I wouldn’t sleep for two days, if I drank the real deal. The…


Colors: Blues-calm/Waterfront..Purples-courage of overcoming worry/Viola…Neutral-Iced Orchid Value of Concentration: Worry and fear melt in the presence of the Word of God  Memory Verse: I claim the constancy of calm, as my mind is infused with The Holy Spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Thoughts of spring are beginning to brighten my persona. Anticipation of sun, green everywhere, the scents of freshly cut grass and new mown hay…can’t wait. This morning my Cup of Fancy is Lemon Ginger HotTea, with a spot of sweetener. Are you in a situation, that…


Colors: Green and White are the colors that represent guidance Zinsser -Smartcoat/ Green Envy, Parakeet Green, Butter Cookie, Cream Puff.  Value of Concentration: He infuses my mind for direction. Memory Verse: Infuse my mind, Holy Spirit, and guide me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning as I remember the wisdom and guidance of my granny, I am sipping a huge glass of orange juice, mixed with a dash of cranberry juice, over crushed ice. She’d laugh and say, “Now there’s a Cup of Fancy!  All of that vitamin C will perk you up, and open your mind…


Colors: Neptune- Lavender/Cabana-Blue/Morning Jog-light blue, neutral. These colors speak of calm, peace,  and tranquility. Value of Concentration: His calm and peaceful Presence walk with me throughout my day. Memory Verse: Bring peace to my soul, Lord Jesus. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning as I drink my Cup of Fancy (Pumpkin Spice Decaf…touch of cream), I am using a flowered teapot, that I bought at the Rosemary House in Pennsylvania.  Yep, this is my peaceful time. Even though the craziness of Woke, Liberalism, pro-abortion, and anti-faith in Christ swirl around our environment…


Colors: Greens represent health. They emit a feelings of balance and harmony. Zinsser/Smartcoat: On the Green/Key Lime/and Citrus Infusion..to pop a neutral Value of Concentration: Forming Healthy Habits. Memory Verse: Teach me healthy habits, Father. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Yes, I have learned a wonderful habit! Sitting with my Bible, my Cup of Fancy(Lemon Zinger Hot Tea, along with a lemon/blueberry scone) and spending precious time with you. Just as any habit needs to be learned, one really has to put a lot of effort into it. Growing up in the 50’s 60…


Colors: Blues and Lavenders exude order and peace. Zinsser/Smartcoat Colors. Tidal Wave/Orchid Breeze/ and pop a neutral with Rose Quartz. Value of Concentration: Live your life, according to God’s order. Memory Verse: Order my life, Oh Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It is so important to have our precious time together, daily. As I sip my Cup of Fancy (Chocolate, Raspberry, Decaf-a dot of cream), I ponder on my past.  The love of my Mother, and the wisdom of my Granny were overwhelming. My Father loved us and worked so hard to provide for us; however…


Colors: Waterfront..Something Blue…Bubble Bath(a neutral blue) Value of Concentration: Springs of Living Water Memory Verse. Quench the Thirst of my Soul, O Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It is a gray, cold January morning. However, the “Light Of Your Love,” surrounds me. I got up early and started on dinner. The house is filled with the aroma of cinnamon and apples, as an apple dumpling is baking in the oven. My recipe is super easy. No, ladies, I only bake on occasion. Who has time for that, unless you’re retired? Which I now have been retired…


COLORS OF A WARRIOR’S ARMOR: golds, silvers, coppers: Smart Coat Colors-Marigold/Hammerhead Silver/Aged Medallion Value of Concentration: Completion: God brought you this far for a specific reason. Memory Verse:   I HAVE PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD! Jesus meets all my needs. Good Morning, Abba, Father, As I sip a strong Cup of Fancy (Highland Grogg….Decaf…..heavy cream..), It brings to mind the Scottish Warriors in one of my favorite TV Series-Outlander. They were fearless patriots, whose faith in God and love of family, caress their ancestors to this day. We are called…


Colors that represent spiritual wisdom and knowledge/purples/Smartcoat Colors-Mixology.. Lavender and Lace.. Neutral Harmony Value of Concentration: Acknowledge the goodness and wisdom of The Lord. Memory Verse: I acknowledge Your Holy Will, O Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I love spending time together. Cozied up with my Bible,  and my Cup Of Fancy; today it’s a pot pf Peach Tea, within my purple, flowered teapot. Praise You, ABBA, for at this point in my life, I truly know You. LOLOL! I laugh at the hot mess I was throughout high school, college, and my early years…


Colors: Adventure; Smartcoat; Silver Fox- for bold adventure. Mermaid’s Tail-for blues bring a state of calm. Value of Concentration: Adventurous Beginnings Memory Verse: You are the God of New beginnings Good Morning, ABBA, Father,  It is a New beginning.  I’m not a Winter Person..at all. I’m a Sunshine Girl, all the way. Even though I’m in my War room, at my desk, I’m thinking SPRING!!! So, for my Cup of Fancy, I’m thinking a perfect Susie Creation in my purple/white polkadot teapot.  Here ya go ladies: my infuser…


Colors: The rose-red color of amaranth represents eternity. Watermelon/Moxie/Frose Value of Concentration: God is eternal. Memory Verse: Eternity is within me. Good Morning ABBA, Father, Winter is definitely upon us, and the New Year is a few days away. My Cup of Fancy this morning is hot chocolate..Oh the calories! Who cares? I’m tucked away in my War Room; sitting in my fav chair, my fav throw,  along with my laptop …and The Holy Spirit within me, ready to hit the keys. How do I know that He lives within me?  Once…


Colors: Reds and Whites are the colors of love and giving. Smartcoat has some beautiful colors to help frame today’s devotional: Red My Mind/Buttermilk/Early Frost Value of Concentration: He is the gift that keeps on giving. Memory Verse: Praise you, ABBA…for Christ Our Savior! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It’s five more days til Christmas! Colored lights twinkle everywhere, hailing the birth of your Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Right now I’m bundled within our cozy farmhouse. My delicate teapot of violets and greens, adorns my table, as I sip my…


Colors Shades of red and green; Red My Mind/Feeling Lucky Green/Bashful White Neutral Value of Concentration: O Bethlehem, you know me. Memory Verse: The earth cries out for Christ, Our Savior! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As the birth of Christ comes near, we cry out! Praise you, ABBA, for sending your son, Jesus, The Lamb of God. The color red symbolizes the blood of Christ.  The color green symbolizes resurrection. We cry out in praise! He was born, performed 1000’s of miracles, not even documented, was crucified, rose from the dead, and ascended to the right…


Colors: Colors of wealth are silver, gold, and copper. Silver Fox/Hollandaise Gold/Mustard Seeds Value of Concentration:  I am wealthy in Christ Jesus. Memory Verse: Riches of righteousness and wisdom pour over me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The Christmas Season is upon us. The mentioned colors sparkle and represent the arrival of the King of heaven and earth I am rich. I am the Daughter of the King.   I am an heir to eternal life.  My name is written in The Lamb’s Book of Life. I am justified by Grace, through Faith. It is a…


Colors: Magenta, is the color that represents contentment and cheerfulness.  (Smartcoat) Dragonfruit/Sprinkles/Celebration. Value of Concentration: I am content in The Lord. Memory Verse: Bless me with contentment in every situation. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, What does it mean to be content? The dictionary  defines it as ..happiness, satisfaction. This morning as I sip my Cup Of Fancy (Heath Bar Decaf), I am content spending my morning devotional time with you. Shades of lavender and magenta are present in my room; they satisfy my soul and spirit. Life throws so many difficulties and stresses in our direction. Raising…


Colors: Yellows represent purification/ Blues signify God’s healing. Joy Yellow/Mrs. Peacock Blue/Waterfront Blue Value of Concentration: My disappointment opens the door to his plans. Memory Verse: Your perfect plan is already in place. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning, my purple..white polkadot teapot is steaming with Lavender Lemon hot tea. There is definitely an ambiance to our relationship.  How I love to create a space for the two of us; to soak in your presence and listen in the stillness for your love, guidance, and direction. How often, when trauma, sadness, stress, decision making, come…


Colors: Brown-stability ,green-nurturing,white and blue-loyalty.. are the colors that represent family. Vintage Redwood Brown, Feeling Lucky Green, Bella Luna White, Waterfront Blue. Value of Concentration: We are his offspring! Memory Verse: Praise You, My ABBA,  for making me your own! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Here I sit in my War room, getting ready to spend a special time with you.  Sipping my Cup of Fancy (Highland Grogg with heavy cream…Yikes the calories) I am so blessed to have this personal relationship with You. ABBA, I love your sense of humor. As a child…


Colors: Shades and tints of red represent struggle and revolution. Lobster Boil Red/Mulled Wine/Peony Neutral Value of Concentration: Struggling in a chaotic world. Memory Verse: You keep me grounded, Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father The colors that I reflect upon today are fall colors.  They represent passion, energy, and love.  However, they can also represent, confusion and chaos. As a retired educator, I can’t imagine teaching in a district that places Woke agenda on small children. In modern terms, Jesus said,” Those who lead little ones astray and harm them, will be accountable to God…


Colors: Indigo and Violet are the colors of Redemption, Spirituality, and Passion: (Smartcoat) Cabana Blue/Periwikle in Time/Orchid breeze… Wow! What a palette of color!!! Value of Concentration: He redeems me. Memory Verse: The Lord smiles upon me. Good morning, ABBA, Father, Fall will soon be turning into winter.  The colors are beginning to fade.  I am now in my lavender War Room with my tree of lights. My purple lamp is lit, and candles that exude fall spices are glowing. The Lord smiles upon ME??? You gotta be kidding me.  Back in the 50’s…


Colors: Representations of love: Red My Mind/Bordeaux/Frose Value of Concentration: He knows my heart. Memory Verse: My heart is yours, my ABBA. Good Morning ABBA, Father, Colors abound on the farm, and the surrounding country area. The leaves of red, yellow and orange, will soon be fading into a winter genre. This morning I am sipping my Cup Of Fancy: a pot of cinnamon spice tea. As Autumn is in full color, the aromas of pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, and baking spices fill the air. I am thrilled that I live in the area that has the four seasons…


Colors: Shades of reds and pinks symbolize love and the softness of God’s love. Watermelon/Moxie/Early Frost Value of Concentration: I tried and I tried..but He still loved me in my imperfection: FINALLY I REALIZED, I DIDN’T HAVE TO TRY….HE PAID IT ALL! Memory Verse: I am righteous by faith. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The denomination in which I was raised, placed a lot of guilt on a young child. I can remember saying to God,” So I’m not worthy …AGAIN?”  IT WAS A NEVER ENDING BATTLE.  Back in the day…


Colors: Reds and colors of fire represent passion and leadership. Heatwave Red/Guava/Sanibel. Value of Concentration: Show me the way. Memory Verse:  I will follow you, My Lord and my God. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Emotional upheaval from depression scatters one’s brain. “Father, I want You to act in my behalf, to guide and heal me!”   “I want it now!” These were the words I screamed at You so often, as I was coming out of the darkness from severe postpartum. ABBA, I remember telling my Farmer,”You know what you’re going to do for your…


Colors: Shades of yellow: Joy/Lemon Curd/Apricot Value of Concentration: I am enlightened and shine in your presence, O Lord. Memory Verse: May your light shine through me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The weather is cooling down, and now I have to close the windows on the porch, as I write. However, Your “Sonlight lives within me; throughout snow and sunshine. Your love warms me, as I sip my Cup of Fancy, (Peach Tea) using one of Granny’s teapots. I am blessed that I have been given many spiritual experiences. I don’t feel that I’m very…


Colors: A palette of reds and oranges represent ownership. Smartcoat Colors-Red My Mind/Coral Sunset/Cotton Candy Neutral Value of Concentration: You are not your own. Memory Verse: You own my heart, O Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The colors of fall are beginning to peek through the leaves. Their visages of reds, oranges, and yellows, burst forth as the season begins to change. As I sip my Cup Of Fancy, (Irish Breakfast Tea) I am still in Your Presence. The weather is getting cooler. My  writing time on the porch, will soon be moved to my War…


Colors: The Green Ribbon is the international symbol of mental health awareness. Pistachio/T-Rex Green/Kimono Neutral. Value of Concentration: Put on the mind of Christ. Memory Verse: Transform my mind, O Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, How I praise You for Your Holy Word! Thank You for teaching me that I can control my thoughts. By putting on the mind of Christ, demons and lies from the evil one are exposed and destroyed. In making my thoughts soggy with your Holy Word, You taught me how to decipher truth from the lies of the world and the media…


Colors: Earth tones symbolize pathways. Sprout/Inchworm/Key Lime Value of Concentration: God will guide my paths. Memory Verse: Take my hand and lead me, O Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, One the greatest wisdoms that I learned from my Mother and my Granny was the following:  God has a plan for your life. Yes, ABBA, you planned the following for me. As I was teaching at the Baptist Preschool,  God was rebuilding my life.  Previously in the public School System, I had been an Art teacher for three years. We then had had two sons, and…


Colors: Peaceful blues and purples. Smartcoat has some beautiful colors to help illustrate today’s devotion: Waterfront Blue/Orchid Breeze/Lavender and Lace. Value of Concentration: Rest in the colors of the sea, and sky: cast your cares upon HIM! Memory Verse: Holy Spirit, lighten my load this day. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning, as I sip my Cup Of Fancy(Lavender/Lemon Hot Tea), I am beckoning the colors in the morning sky to bring peace to my mind. Lavender, orchid, and sky blue, bring serenity to my spirit, as Spa Music gently rolls in the background…


Colors: Shades and tints of orange represent motivation. Smartcoat Colors) Mambo/Fall Fest/Sanibel. Value of Concentration: Out of the ashes I rise. Memory Verse: The power of The Holy Spirit motivates me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, WOW! “Outta the ashes I rise!”  No truer statement describes my life, my growth, and recreation through Christ. Tribulation is awful….however it brings perseverance….and perseverance brings deep faith! A family member has been going through legal turmoil for the past two years. At first, it brought an unspeakable amount of tears and stress to the entire family.  Talk about…


Colors: Red-The blood of Christ covers us, Gold and Silver – The colors of a King. Heatwave Red, Aged Medallion Gold/Cliffs of Mohr Silver (Smartcoat colors). Value of Concentration: God breathes life into the body at conception Memory Verse: Breathe on me Yahweh…..the breath of life. YHWH!…..YHWH!……YHWH!….  Good Morning ABBA, Father, As summer comes to a close, I think about the children who have already started back to school. It’s an exciting time; new clothes, new friends,  new schools. However, not all conceived children got the opportunity to live. With the WOKE…


Colors: Greens represent creation and new beginnings. Whites represent brides. We are The Bride of Christ. Smartcoat.com has some beautiful colors to go along with today’s writing. Medusa Green/Citrus Infusion/Ethereal White Value of Concentration: He will make all things new. Memory Verse: Come, Lord Jesus for your Bride. Good Morning ABBA, Father, It’s 7a.m.  Sipping my Heath Bar Decaf, and munching on a chocolate scone, You are beside me, within me, and surround me with your love. There’s some really, big, fluffy, white clouds this morning.  As the rays of…


Colors: Cucumber Cooler/Wild Thistle/Moonbeam. This palette is calm, cool, and collected. Value of Concentration:”I’m Chillin.” Memory Verse: Waves of peace flow over me, as the Lord  provides. Good Morning, ABBA,  Father, On this beautiful August morning, “I’m Chilling with You.” Lavender Iced Tea hits the spot this morning, for My Cup Of Fancy. It’s the best…especially when you add a dash of lemon and sweetener. Oh! The perfect place to be chillin is at the beach; laying in the sun, as you listen to the waves roll across the sand…


Colors: Shades of blue mean,”No Immediate Hazard.” Icebreaker/Morning Jog/Gentle Rain to pop a gray neutral. (All Smartcoat Colors) Value of Concentration: Angels watch over me. Memory Verse:  I am safe in the arms of The Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As we age, quite often, sleep does not come easily. So here I am, at 4a.m.  I’m in my “War Room,”  my “Creation Room,”  my “Hues of The Spirit Room.” By now, you know I have an art background; writing, painting, drawing, sketching, scrap booking, glass painting. Color defines me. &nbsp…


Colors: From darkness to the light: Smartcoat has some beautiful colors to fit today’s theme. Chocolate Cherry/Dried Petals/Cotton Candy….. a natural wave of colors from going dark to light..within the same palette. Value of Concentration: Freedom from darkness. Memory Verse: Let me live in the Light of The Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Everyone at one time or another faces the darkness. In my lifetime(My book The Erstwhile Acorn) I have overcome many situations, through the Grace of The Almighty. God took a little Erstwhile Acorn, and nurtured her to become A Mighty Burr…


Colors:  Rest and relaxation colors…Kelly Green/Murex Mauve/Bubble Bath Blue. This combination of colors is one of my favorite. :Blue, Green, Purple…are the colors that tell the story of my life.  Value of Concentration: Relax In God’s Presence Memory Verse: I breathe in the quiet of The Spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It is a warm, sunny morning. Sitting on my big, country porch, the scents of summer fill me with an essence of peace: new mown grass/hay, the flowers and herbs blooming on my porch. My Cup of Fancy, hot…


Colors: Reds display love, protection and affection.  SmartCoat features these beautiful colors to go along with today’s writing. Red My Mind, Moab, Bashful Value of Concentration: You are my ABBA, Father! Memory Verse: ABBA, hold me upon your lap! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I’m sure that many of you, as little girls, loved to crawl upon your Daddy’s lap.  Curled up all warm with your blankie, and your favorite stuffed animal. It was a time of tenderness, safety, and unconditional love. Some of us didn’t have that pleasure, due to various circumstances. In my…


Colors: Shades and tints of orange are colors that “Cry out for attention.” Smartcoat has some colors perfect for today’s theme. Dreamsicle/Apricot/Winter Cottage. Value of Concentration: I cry out for help. Memory Verse: I plead my case to you, O Lord, and wait in expectation. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, We live in a fallen world! Sin abounds….and it’s getting worse. This is not The America that I was raised in during the 50’s-60’s era. The more you see the garbage on the political scene, the more you realize that the return…


Colors: Shades of yellow and orange represent happiness. Smartcoat’s Mambo, Joy and Tortilla Neutral are beautiful colors to help with today’s theme. Value of Concentration: Happiness Is A Choice Memory Verse: Transform my thoughts, and fill my heart with JOY! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, How blessed I am, that I am an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven. The joy and happiness Your Presence brings me, is overwhelming. This morning as I sip my Cup Of Fancy(Heath Bar Decaf), the sky sings your praises, through the yellows and golds emitted from the clouds. The words…


Colors: Reds-God wants me to grow closer to him. Red My Mind, Heatwave and also Bella Luna are beautiful colors by SmartCoat to fit my theme today. Value of Concentration: Pray from the Heart. Memory Verse: Receive my heartfelt prayers, O Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning my Cup of Fancy is my brewed iced tea. I use a combination of Luzianne, mint, lemon, and occasionally I’ll add some lavender. It’s going to be somewhat of a cool, rainy June day. However, your Word, and spending time with you, warms my heart. I love to sit…


Colors: Blues and greens represent fountains/springs. Smartcoat has some gorgeous colors to represent these shades. Periwinkle in Time/Wild Thistle/Pisces Dream Neutral Value of Concentration: Your Word is a Wellspring of Life within me. Memory Verse: Fountain of the Spirit, fill me! Good morning, ABBA, Father, It is a beautiful morning, As I sip my Cup of Fancy (Heath Bar Decaf from The Morgan House, Dublin, Ohio) I take in the glories of your creation. Rays of periwinkle, purple, pink, orange and yellow penetrate the azure sky, as it welcomes the new day.As I peruse my country…

MAY 31

Colors: Shades of yellow represent hard work and positivity. Smartcoat has some beautiful shades of yellow… Golden Honey/New Groove/and Butter Cookie to pop a neutral. Value of Concentration: Heartfelt Work and Positivity…get the job done. Memory Verse: I work in the Name of Jesus, my Savior. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The shades of yellow, that splash the springtime with new life, enhance the lives of many with positivity.The memory verse: MMMMM …..I WORK? Many in this generation….have no clue what the word means. Free money, woke, the now generation, credit cards, sex, drugs; yes…

MAY 24

Colors: Shades of blue and blue violets. SmartCoat has some beautiful colors like Waterfront, Viola and Silver Lilac to go with today’s devotional. Value of Concentration: Becoming thirsty for the Word of God. Memory Verse: Jesus, I thirst for you. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Yesterday, as my husband and the field hands were planting, I was given a specific direction: Make sure that you pack plenty of ice water in the cooler, when you bring lunch. It’s 90 degrees out here today! Yes, that’s quite an unusual temperature for May in Ohio. We’ve all been…

MAY 17

Colors: Yellows are the representation of pure joy. Lemon Curd..Hollandaise..Neutral Cream Puff. Value of Concentration: Joy in the morning. Memory Verse: The Holy Spirit fills my soul with joy and color. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, On this beautiful, sunny morning, I seek joy from the Holy Spirit. Even if my, prayer/reflection time is 10 minutes before I walk out the door, it is enough time to empower my thoughts throughout the day. I seek joy in the morning; so are your morning thoughts and prayers, so goes your day. A few minutes each morning in your Word…

MAY 10

Colors: Shades of red symbolize chaos and disruption. However, shades of green symbolize hope. SmartCoat has some beautiful colors to fit the theme of today’s writing. Bordeaux Currant Red.. Cucumber Cooler Green…Powder Puff Neutral. Value of Concentration: Disruptions In Life Memory Verse: My whirlwind of problems, lay in Jesus’s lap. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As a child, unbeknownst to me, I had inherited some of my earthly father’s bad genetics. My mother always called me “Worry Wart.” That was an understatement. At 10 years old, it led to a dangerous, physical ailment. By the grace…


Colors: Yellow is associated with hope and possibility. Smartcoat has beautiful yellows to choose from… colors like Joy.. Lemon Curd…Cocoa Butter for the neutral. Value of Concentration: With God all Things Are Possible. Memory Verse: If God holds my hand…I CAN WALK ON WATER! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Spring colors bring hope and possibility. Yellows, are rays of sunshine that set fire to the soul and light your spirit. One of the words that God whispered into my heart, throughout my life was the following: You are a “Becomer.” Yes, I prayed for guidance. Yes, I made…


Colors: Red and Orange are the colors of alert and threat. Smartcoat has some beautiful colors to go well with today’s devotional. Heatwave Red…Coral Sunset…New Crush is the light neutral. Value of Concentration: Angels and the spiritual reality surround me. Memory verse: Christ defends and protects me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Spring speaks of new life, resurrection, and “Becoming.”As Christ rose from the dead, a new spiritualreality was placed upon mankind. Those who believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ, are granted eternal life. Our mortal bodies will be raised to immortality, at the Rapture. We…


Colors: Turquoise gives rise to healthy emotions. Mermaid’s Tail…Turks and Caicos and Glacier Bay are all beautiful colors from SmartCoat to go along with today’s theme. Value of Concentration: Cling to the Lord. Memory Verse: God holds me throughout this day! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Emotions rise and fall, rise and fall! Isaiah 26:3 first taught me about keeping my mind constantly within your Holy Word. “He will be kept in perfect peace, whose mind is steadfast on thee.” Sipping my Cup Of Fancy,(Earl Grey hot tea) brings me into a special…


Colors: Red represents power/black represents setting boundaries. Roasted Red Pepper and Hocus Pocus black are beautiful SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: He picks me up, when I stumble. Memory Verse: Christ holds me, as I fall. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I am so excited! This is the first morning, that I am out writing on my big, sunny, country porch. How appropriate; it is Passion week. We recall the passion of Jesus Christ, my Savior. During Lent, the Stations of the Cross are often recited within the realm of the Catholic Church. As anondenominational Catholic, I sometimes say the…


Colors: Black sets boundaries. English Saddle ,Nottingham Gray, and Parasol Light Gray are beautiful colors from SmartCoat. Value of Concentration: He watches over my every thought, word, and action. Memory Verse: My Shield is the Holy Spirit! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Spending time with you, each morning before I begin my day, filters my thoughts, words, and actions to glorify you. As I sit with my Cup of Fancy, before I begin my day, may your Holy Words set the theme and patterns that occur throughout. Knowing that you are within me to watch over me, frees my spirit. This…


Colors: Blues for rest..yellows for intelligence. Smartcoat.com has some beautiful colors… Icebreaker Blue..Field of Butterflies and Creme Brulee Yellows. Value of Concentration: Thoughts that transcend the world. Memory Verse: The Holy Spirit….be my thoughts. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Sitting with my Cup of Fancy (my fav/Green Mountain/Dark Magic Decaf), I watch as the rain falls over the farm. I can’t be on my porch, as of yet. Therefore, I’m content to be in my upstairs “War Room,” with my tree of lights. I am typing at my huge desk, that my…


Colors: Blues represent trust, responsibility, and ownership of one’s life. Waterfront, Tidal Wave, and neutral Up In The Clouds are all beautiful SmartCoat colors. All color combinations can be used for fashion or décor. Value of Concentration: WEAN YOURSELF FROM THE WORLD. Memory Verse: I live in the Presence of Christ, and the world melts around me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, New life is coming as spring arrives. It’s time for all of us to wean ourselves away from the world: lies of the media, OCD spending, food, immorality and our sinful nature, liberal, political lies. As…


Colors: Solar Flare..Mulled Wine…Dried Petals Neutral. These are all SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: Precious Promises Memory Verse: I am God’s Precious Child. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This Morning I have my brain in one of my favorite books: The Complete Book Of Bible Promises: by Ron Rhodes. This analysis of your promises has always been a “WOW!” for me. From A-Z: your promises unfold at my fingertips. Whatever you are suffering, whatever you need, whatever you question; Your Holy Word provides all answers. Romans 8: 1 There is no condemnation for those who are in…


Colors: Dragonfruit… Silver Lilac… Ruffled Tutu. These are all Smartcoat colors. With spring around the corner, I’d love an outfit or home décor with these colors. Value of Concentration: Assertiveness Memory Verse: I am assertive in my Faith. Good Morning ABBA, Father, The days are getting longer, and more sunlight is falling across the skies. As I write, and drink my Cup of Fancy this morning, I’m looking forward to warmer days and the joy of spring. The colors that are listed above, express new life and adventure. Deep pinks, lavender, and silver whites combine to…


Colors: Swedish Knit Silver..Crushed Velvet Gold….Chateau (a gold silver neutral). These are all SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: Come Holy Spirit Memory Verse: Enkindle in me the Fire of Your Love. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I feel a breath of spring this morning. With the heater on, I was permitted to go on my big, country porch, with my Cup of Fancy (Choc’pecan Coffee). It’s a heat wave! It’s actually going up to 58* today in Ohio. My memory verse today is from the prayer written by St. Francis. What does it actually mean; the…


Colors: Greys represent maturity…Powder Puff..Cheekey…Two shades of grey with tints of pink. Debonair… a bold pink/grey to pop the colors. These are all SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: Overcoming Pride..becoming mature. Memory Verse: Pride is fleeting in the presence of The Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Granny always said,”Pride cometh before the fall.” How right she was. I’ve seen it within the realm of my extended family, a few times…. and frequently within the political agenda. In this world of insanity, liberalism, and chaos, pride is running rampant. WOKE THIS! WOKE THAT…


Colors: Smart Coat..Hello Yellow..Hidden Treasures Gold..Buttermilk Neutral..The colors symbolize the holiness of God. Value of Concentration: Righteousness Memory Verse: Praise God: I am righteous through …FAITH ALONE! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit typing and drinking my Cup of Fancy, I look out over the farm on a cold, February morn. My three dogs (Labs 2 choc/ 1 white)are outside running around the Mighty Burr Oak: playing peacefully and rolling around in the new fallen snow. They are fearless, knowing that they are loved and cared for. This is how you want my relationship…


Colors: Red My Mind and Regal Purple are both colors of power and royalty. Add Buttermilk Neutral and you have a wow of a color scheme! Value of Concentration: Call out to Him! Memory Verse: There is power in The Name of Jesus. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, There is a clear, frigid, blue sky this morning. The sun is rising and spreading rays of color, over the horizon. My 300 year old Burr Oak Tree is shaded in purple, as a monument to royalty. As the rays of sunlight shine behind it, The Tree of Life comes into view. I…


Colors: Heatwave Red. The color represents love and tenderness. Add a beige, neutral Cliffhanger and Smitten, a light, neutral; these colors tone and accentuate the bright red. Value of Concentration: Cling to Him. Memory Verse: Jesus, your arms are around me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It’s been snowing! The quiet and the peace on the farm….is incredible. At my age, I’m blessed that I have the luxury to sit at my desk, peruse the gift of Mother Nature, and spend time with you, as I write. My tree is lit, as well as my candles. My Cup…


Colors: Joy/bright yellow: represents frustration and losing one’s temper. Share the palette with the color Lemon Curd, and it will tone the brightness of the hue. Add a beautiful blue such as Waterfront (Smartcoat colors) to bring peace to the frustration. Value of Concentration: Frustration. Memory Verse: I breathe in your peace, as frustration flows from my spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I am cuddled up in my “War Room,” on my comfy couch. My candle is lit. My Cup of Fancy is on my end table. My Granny’s beautifully flowered teapot is filled to the brim…


Colors: Siesta Key Blue/Ibiza Blue. These are both SmartCoat colors and both represent hearing, speaking, and seeing things clearly. Add on Buttermilk as a neutral (another SmartCoat color). Value of Concentration: EPHATHA….BE OPENED to the fullness of The Holy Spirit… within mind, spirit and soul. Memory Verse: May my mind be opened to the will of The Holy Spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, A new year presses upon us. Isn’t it funny how you just had me type the word,”Presses?” With the chaotic world situation, it feels as if the weight of the world is placed…


Colors: Reds…for compassion/love, and the blood of Christ. Greens for peace and growth. Value of Concentration: He Collects My Tears. Memory Verse: The compassion of Christ dries my tears. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, A New Year will soon be upon us. As I sit with you in my,”Becoming Room,” (my space strictly allotted to spend time with You), I pray and wait in expectation. I anticipate all of the gifts and blessings this new year will bring. Since the day of my birth, you collected all of my tears. Praise God! I was born into a family…


Colors: Black is the color of protection and safety. Red is the color of blood. A shepherd would lay down his life for his sheep. Oxford Tie Black/Heatwave Red: pop it with a neutral to pull the colors together. Value of Concentration: He Is My Shepherd. Memory Verse: He restores my soul. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, On this cold, holiday morning, my Cup of Fancy is hot peppermint tea. I also love to suck on a candy cane, as I ingest my steaming delicacy. Yep, having taught Kindergarten for 30 years, I’m still a kid at heart. Having…


Colors: Color Therapy is a huge process. Reds are used to energize. Blues are used to reduce depression and pain. Greens are used to relieve stress and relax a person. Yellows are used to make a person happy. Oranges are used to create warmth, happiness, and stimulate mental health. Thus all of the multicolored lights that are used in Christmas Decor. Value of Concentration: Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God. Memory Verse: The Counsel of God guides me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The Hallelujah Chorus plays in my mind constantly, this time of year. In my teen years, I really listened…


Colors: Shades of green represent birth; Inchworm, Kale Chips, and Key Lime create a beautiful palette. These are SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: The Virgin Birth Memory Verse: Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It is snowing outside this morning. I’m sipping on my Cup of Chocolate, Brownie, Cinnamon Coffee. Yum! It is totally placing me in the Holiday mood! I have been reading the four Gospels about the virgin birth. I am free! I am heaven bound! My name is written in The Lamb’s Book of Life. All of these gifts…


Colors: Shades of blue are used to treat illnesses and soothe pain. Tidal wave Blue is bold yet soothing, and accent with Clear Skies Blue. These are SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: Dealing With Pain/Healing Memory Verse: I BREATHE IN….the healing of The Holy Spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The Holiday season is officially upon us. As I cuddle up in my comfy chair with you, hot cocoa is the order of the day, for my Cup of Fancy. It is a season of joy, giving and healing. Many will be involved in festive activities. However, there are…


Colors: Shades of green represent abundance and growth: Feeling Lucky, Key Lime, and a neutral Citrus Infusion make a beautiful palette of colors. These are all SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: Living In Abundance/Happy Thanksgiving Memory Verse: I claim and receive God’s Abundance! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It is the week of Thanksgiving. My sovereign God, you have blessed our nation abundantly. Why? We were founded on the Judaeo /Christian Faiths. Our pledge of Allegiance states,”One nation, under God.” BUT ARE WE?????? Satan is doing everything in his power to abolish Christ, the Son of the Living…


Colors: Heatwave Red and pop it with a neutral such as Cotton candy or Smitten. These are SmartCoat colors. Any color of red represents the love and passion of God. Value of Concentration: Live In The Moment….With Him Memory Verse: Your Presence Carries me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, On this cool November morn, as I am cuddled up with You, and my Cup of Fancy, I drink in your Holy Presence. What a blessing to know that you will never leave me nor forsake me! There have been so many times in my life, that I was going through…


Colors: Retro Vibes and Dreamsicle: These are SmartCoat colors. Retro Vibes is a shade of orange that can represent your strong love, or satisfaction of attaining the success through an orange flower arrangement. Dreamsicle is a vibrant color that conveys satisfaction, confidence and passion for life. Value of Concentration: Satisfaction Memory Verse: He Satisfies My Soul. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Fall has taken ahold of my environment. As the leaves fall, I am always reminded of the Holiday Season soon to come, and the new life of spring to follow. As I review my life, there have been many trials…


Colors: Periwinkle in Time and Orchid Breeze – These are SmartCoat colors and are two gorgeous colors that represent the blue of tranquility and the warmth of blessing. Pop it with a neutral and you have an awesome décor combination. Value of Concentration: I Am Blessed. Memory Verse: I live in blessed expectation. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit with my Cup of Fancy, drinking in the warmth of my Irish Breakfast Tea, I praise You for all of the blessings that You have showered upon me within my lifetime. As I think of all of the hard…


Colors: Joy, Tuscan Sun and Tortilla – These are all SmartCoat colors and are colors of self-worth and joy. Value of Concentration: Becoming Worthy. Memory Verse: Spirit of Worthiness, Fill me to the brim. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, In the denominations, in which my friend Gracie and I were raised, we were always striving:– Do this and God will love you.– Do that and you will be forgiven.– Follow this rule, and if you don’t, it’s a mortal sin and you’ll go straight to hell.– If I forgot to confess that sin…


Colors: Heatwave Red and Acai Purple – these are both Smartcoat colors. These colors speak of love, strength and overcoming trouble. Connect with a neutral such as Bashful White or Nottingham Grey. Value of Concentration: Troubled: Love That Never Fails Memory verse: Your unfailing love surrounds me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As waves of color grace the farm during harvest, I realize how you have colored my world. My life has been a work of art: yes I am an artist, also. Since childhood, color has defined me. Shades of blue represent some of my troubled past and health issues…


Color: Root Beer Barrels – dark gray/black)represents shielding or protection. Accent: Red My Mind – a snazzy red for passion to pop the black color. Twist the color with a Nottingham Grey for a neutral or use Bashful White. Value of Concentration: He Shields Me. Memory Verse: Shield me with your Love, Oh Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit with my Cup of Fancy, my 3 Lab puppies are at my feet. We sit on my big, country porch, as harvest ensues. My fur babies: Sadie and Petie (Chocolates), Bama-White; they are my shield. They…


Colors: Blue/Green Colors-Siesta Key and Just Jaded. Add a neutral Sea Mist and you have a beautiful color collection for clothing or décor. Soak in the Spirit with these relaxing colors. Value of Concentration: Soak Your Mind In The Spirit Memory Verse: I inhale the Holy Spirit Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Fall is closing in upon us, harvest is at full throttle. Combines are whirring through the cornfields, as they rasp the crops into huge grain trucks. As I soak my mind within the realm of your Holy Word, I await your harvest: the rapture of your…


Color: Clear Skies Blue – a light blue that represents learning. Addent Color: Tidal Wave Blue -is a darker shade that can represent paper and ink. My writing/craft room is painted in these two colors. Value of Concentration: Seek Him and Learn his wonders. Memory Verse: I meditate on your wonders, Oh Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit upon my big, country porch on this beautiful autumn morning, I sip on my Cup of Fancy, eager to spend time with you. When I was a Kindergarten Teacher for years, I tried to have at least 15 minutes with…


Colors: Pumpkin Patch Accent Color: Yellow Joy Value of Concentration: He Rescues Me. Memory Verse: He enfolds me with gentleness. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Lord, waiting for you sometimes is often hard. As we seek and pray, we want our problems solved “NOW!” LOL! At my age, I truly understand that you don’t operate that way. You are not a God of limitations. However, your time is always the perfect time. You see the big picture; whereas, we have no clue what the future holds. My son has been waiting for his situation to be solved. It will be…


Colors: Shade of Red – Mulled Wine: this is a strong red that relates love and commitment. Accent Color: Smitten: this is more of a pink shade. Value of Concentration: I Am Precious to Him Memory Verse: I am his Beloved. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Fall is on it’s way, and summer is coming to an end. I have even gotten out some Autumn Decor. As my Mom and Granny before me, I love decorating for the holidays. We all loved to entertain, decorate, and use a plethora of color within our environment. It was not overload, but very…


Colors: Frose Pink/Something Blue/Bashful Neutral Colors for a Sweet Baby girl or boy. Value of Concentration: Celebrate Life/Pray For The Unborn Memory Verse: He knew me in the womb. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, There are so many women who pray to become mothers; however, they have trouble conceiving. Illegitimate pregnancy abounds, due to poor choices. My nephews are adopted, and have become amazing parents. They have touched so many lives toward the positive. Their children continue to bless so many lives and are disciples for Christ. It’s amazing once you realize that God’s thoughts towards…


Colors: Shades of pink: Moxie, Watermelon, Frose. These are feminine shades that exude the love and gentleness of God. I can almost feel his presence as I surround myself with these soft colors. Value of Concentration: You Are In The Holy Hands of God. Memory Verse: Engulf me with your Love, Oh Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I was being formed within the womb of my mother, You were there at conception. You knew me. I was engulfed within your Holy Hands. Life is so sacred. Unfortunately, there are many in their selfishness, who don’t see it that…


Colors: ”Green with Envy”…represents idols and possessiveness; Envy and Medusa Value of Concentration: Remove Idols/Materialism Memory Verse: Lord Jesus, give me strength to remove sinful idols. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The world surrounds us with idols. As the media explodes with evil politics, liberalism, and socialism, theyouth are becoming brainwashed. Especially, if there is no relationship with you. They will buy into whatever belief is placed before them, that seems to be “Cool.” Everything can become an idol; food, sex, drugs, porn, lying, gossiping, shopping, clothing, makeup, your career, an unhealthy relationship, money, video games, technology. As your…


Colors: Envy Green and Seafoam. Both colors represent the value of being able to forgive quickly. These colors can be used in a summer outfit, or would really brighten a room. Value of Concentration: I Can’t Forgive Myself Memory Verse: Through Grace, I am PURE in his eyes. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit on my big country porch, sipping my Cup of Fancy, I am blessed, taking in the view of your creation. The corn is growing tall, and glistening in the sunlight: bowing to You..the Alpha and Omega, as the wind caresses the leaves. The…

July 20

Colors: Caribbean Ocean Colors Mermaids Tail, Saltwater Taffy, Up In The Clouds-a neutral light gray. What a peaceful line of décor colors! Value of Concentration: You are my Hiding Place. Memory Verse: I hide within the secret dwelling of the Holy Spirit. Good Morning Abba, Father, On this beautiful July mornig, our farm is getting a retreat from the heat. A so badly needed rain is beingpoured upon us. It awakened me this morning with the thunder and lightening. Now it is a gentle mist hovering over the land. As I sip my Cup of Fancy (Lavender Iced…


Color: Scarlet- represents taking ahold of something; having immediate impact. Accent Color: Redwood-represents wellness, strength, wisdom, longevity. Value of Concentration: To Anchor; to take ahold of Memory Verse: Your Word is an “Anchor For My Soul,”O Lord. Good Morning Abba…Father, You are my” Anchor;” the One who who holds me together during the storms. Due to m Anchor, I am strong,true and steadfast. I can’t imagine my life without You. Those who don’t profess their righteousness through the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ, reach for elements of perversion to fill the holes in…