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Sue Cutler


Colors: Cream Puff/ Cocoa Butter/ Beige You Look-all shades of Smartcoat  Creamy Whites: they represent righteousness/purity  Value of concentration: Clothe yourself in righteousness through GRACE! Memory Verse: OH Lord! I love my new clothes! LOLOLO! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning as I sit in your lap, my Cup of Fancy is Oatmeal Cookie Decaf.  Yes, this daughter of yours always jokes; “I’m a decaf person only, because caffeine makes me Cra-Z-ERR than I already am!” LOLO!  I wouldn’t sleep for two days, if I drank the real deal. The…


Colors: Blues-calm/Waterfront..Purples-courage of overcoming worry/Viola…Neutral-Iced Orchid Value of Concentration: Worry and fear melt in the presence of the Word of God  Memory Verse: I claim the constancy of calm, as my mind is infused with The Holy Spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Thoughts of spring are beginning to brighten my persona. Anticipation of sun, green everywhere, the scents of freshly cut grass and new mown hay…can’t wait. This morning my Cup of Fancy is Lemon Ginger HotTea, with a spot of sweetener. Are you in a situation, that…


Colors: Green and White are the colors that represent guidance Zinsser -Smartcoat/ Green Envy, Parakeet Green, Butter Cookie, Cream Puff.  Value of Concentration: He infuses my mind for direction. Memory Verse: Infuse my mind, Holy Spirit, and guide me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning as I remember the wisdom and guidance of my granny, I am sipping a huge glass of orange juice, mixed with a dash of cranberry juice, over crushed ice. She’d laugh and say, “Now there’s a Cup of Fancy!  All of that vitamin C will perk you up, and open your mind…


Colors: Neptune- Lavender/Cabana-Blue/Morning Jog-light blue, neutral. These colors speak of calm, peace,  and tranquility. Value of Concentration: His calm and peaceful Presence walk with me throughout my day. Memory Verse: Bring peace to my soul, Lord Jesus. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning as I drink my Cup of Fancy (Pumpkin Spice Decaf…touch of cream), I am using a flowered teapot, that I bought at the Rosemary House in Pennsylvania.  Yep, this is my peaceful time. Even though the craziness of Woke, Liberalism, pro-abortion, and anti-faith in Christ swirl around our environment…


Colors: Greens represent health. They emit a feelings of balance and harmony. Zinsser/Smartcoat: On the Green/Key Lime/and Citrus pop a neutral Value of Concentration: Forming Healthy Habits. Memory Verse: Teach me healthy habits, Father. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Yes, I have learned a wonderful habit! Sitting with my Bible, my Cup of Fancy(Lemon Zinger Hot Tea, along with a lemon/blueberry scone) and spending precious time with you. Just as any habit needs to be learned, one really has to put a lot of effort into it. Growing up in the 50’s 60…


Colors: Blues and Lavenders exude order and peace. Zinsser/Smartcoat Colors. Tidal Wave/Orchid Breeze/ and pop a neutral with Rose Quartz. Value of Concentration: Live your life, according to God’s order. Memory Verse: Order my life, Oh Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It is so important to have our precious time together, daily. As I sip my Cup of Fancy (Chocolate, Raspberry, Decaf-a dot of cream), I ponder on my past.  The love of my Mother, and the wisdom of my Granny were overwhelming. My Father loved us and worked so hard to provide for us; however…


Colors: Waterfront..Something Blue…Bubble Bath(a neutral blue) Value of Concentration: Springs of Living Water Memory Verse. Quench the Thirst of my Soul, O Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It is a gray, cold January morning. However, the “Light Of Your Love,” surrounds me. I got up early and started on dinner. The house is filled with the aroma of cinnamon and apples, as an apple dumpling is baking in the oven. My recipe is super easy. No, ladies, I only bake on occasion. Who has time for that, unless you’re retired? Which I now have been retired…


COLORS OF A WARRIOR’S ARMOR: golds, silvers, coppers: Smart Coat Colors-Marigold/Hammerhead Silver/Aged Medallion Value of Concentration: Completion: God brought you this far for a specific reason. Memory Verse:   I HAVE PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD! Jesus meets all my needs. Good Morning, Abba, Father, As I sip a strong Cup of Fancy (Highland Grogg….Decaf…..heavy cream..), It brings to mind the Scottish Warriors in one of my favorite TV Series-Outlander. They were fearless patriots, whose faith in God and love of family, caress their ancestors to this day. We are called…


Colors that represent spiritual wisdom and knowledge/purples/Smartcoat Colors-Mixology.. Lavender and Lace.. Neutral Harmony Value of Concentration: Acknowledge the goodness and wisdom of The Lord. Memory Verse: I acknowledge Your Holy Will, O Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I love spending time together. Cozied up with my Bible,  and my Cup Of Fancy; today it’s a pot pf Peach Tea, within my purple, flowered teapot. Praise You, ABBA, for at this point in my life, I truly know You. LOLOL! I laugh at the hot mess I was throughout high school, college, and my early years…


Colors: Adventure; Smartcoat; Silver Fox- for bold adventure. Mermaid’s Tail-for blues bring a state of calm. Value of Concentration: Adventurous Beginnings Memory Verse: You are the God of New beginnings Good Morning, ABBA, Father,  It is a New beginning.  I’m not a Winter all. I’m a Sunshine Girl, all the way. Even though I’m in my War room, at my desk, I’m thinking SPRING!!! So, for my Cup of Fancy, I’m thinking a perfect Susie Creation in my purple/white polkadot teapot.  Here ya go ladies: my infuser…


Colors: The rose-red color of amaranth represents eternity. Watermelon/Moxie/Frose Value of Concentration: God is eternal. Memory Verse: Eternity is within me. Good Morning ABBA, Father, Winter is definitely upon us, and the New Year is a few days away. My Cup of Fancy this morning is hot chocolate..Oh the calories! Who cares? I’m tucked away in my War Room; sitting in my fav chair, my fav throw,  along with my laptop …and The Holy Spirit within me, ready to hit the keys. How do I know that He lives within me?  Once…


Colors: Reds and Whites are the colors of love and giving. Smartcoat has some beautiful colors to help frame today’s devotional: Red My Mind/Buttermilk/Early Frost Value of Concentration: He is the gift that keeps on giving. Memory Verse: Praise you, ABBA…for Christ Our Savior! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It’s five more days til Christmas! Colored lights twinkle everywhere, hailing the birth of your Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Right now I’m bundled within our cozy farmhouse. My delicate teapot of violets and greens, adorns my table, as I sip my…


Colors Shades of red and green; Red My Mind/Feeling Lucky Green/Bashful White Neutral Value of Concentration: O Bethlehem, you know me. Memory Verse: The earth cries out for Christ, Our Savior! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As the birth of Christ comes near, we cry out! Praise you, ABBA, for sending your son, Jesus, The Lamb of God. The color red symbolizes the blood of Christ.  The color green symbolizes resurrection. We cry out in praise! He was born, performed 1000’s of miracles, not even documented, was crucified, rose from the dead, and ascended to the right…


Colors: Colors of wealth are silver, gold, and copper. Silver Fox/Hollandaise Gold/Mustard Seeds Value of Concentration:  I am wealthy in Christ Jesus. Memory Verse: Riches of righteousness and wisdom pour over me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The Christmas Season is upon us. The mentioned colors sparkle and represent the arrival of the King of heaven and earth I am rich. I am the Daughter of the King.   I am an heir to eternal life.  My name is written in The Lamb’s Book of Life. I am justified by Grace, through Faith. It is a…


Colors: Magenta, is the color that represents contentment and cheerfulness.  (Smartcoat) Dragonfruit/Sprinkles/Celebration. Value of Concentration: I am content in The Lord. Memory Verse: Bless me with contentment in every situation. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, What does it mean to be content? The dictionary  defines it as ..happiness, satisfaction. This morning as I sip my Cup Of Fancy (Heath Bar Decaf), I am content spending my morning devotional time with you. Shades of lavender and magenta are present in my room; they satisfy my soul and spirit. Life throws so many difficulties and stresses in our direction. Raising…