Colors: Greens/Blues/Lavenders are all cool refreshing colors. LOL! Can’t wait to see this palette. Zinsser Smartcoat/Key Lime Green /Waterfront Blue/Lavender and Lace/ now pop a creamy neutral..Buttermilk. Value of Concentration: Refresh yourself in the Lord. Memory Verse: Your cool breath is upon me this day. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As the weather becomes cooler. I am ready to be refreshed from the heat of summer. The cool morning breezes flow through my big, country porch, as I sip my Cup of Fancy (Mint Iced Tea with lemon). Spending my morning…
Colors: Reds and Whites are the colors of love and giving. Smartcoat has some beautiful colors to help frame today’s devotional: Red My Mind/Buttermilk/Early Frost Value of Concentration: He is the gift that keeps on giving. Memory Verse: Praise you, ABBA…for Christ Our Savior! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It’s five more days til Christmas! Colored lights twinkle everywhere, hailing the birth of your Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Right now I’m bundled within our cozy farmhouse. My delicate teapot of violets and greens, adorns my table, as I sip my…
Colors: Siesta Key Blue/Ibiza Blue. These are both SmartCoat colors and both represent hearing, speaking, and seeing things clearly. Add on Buttermilk as a neutral (another SmartCoat color). Value of Concentration: EPHATHA….BE OPENED to the fullness of The Holy Spirit… within mind, spirit and soul. Memory Verse: May my mind be opened to the will of The Holy Spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, A new year presses upon us. Isn’t it funny how you just had me type the word,”Presses?” With the chaotic world situation, it feels as if the weight of the world is placed…