Colors: Zinsser/Smartcoat Yellows/ Joy/Lemon Curd/Butter Cookie Neutral..Yummy colors to bring light to your mind and emotions.

Value of Concentration: The Word Brings Light.

Memory Verse: Good Morning SonLight. Fill my mind this day, with your LIGHT.

Good Morning, ABBA, Father,

On this beautiful, sunny, July Morning,  the skies acclaim your glory. The blues and lavenders skirt across the sky, as the sun peeks through the fluffy, white clouds. A gentle breeze is flowing through the windows, as   the song birds sing to the heavens.

My Cup of Fancy (Heath Bar Decaf) is perched next to my computer, as my lavender candle scents the air.  There’s no place like my country porch late spring-through early fall. FYI .. the farm house was built in 1890. I didn’t get my big, country porch until I was married for 22 years. The final remodel was done in 2012…40 years of marriage. No my farm life has been a constant struggle.

By the way, if any of you live in the city, read Ben Carson’s life story.  A better life can happen, if you get an education and surrender your life to God.

LOLOLOL! Can You tell that I love to create a pleasurable environment surrounding us, ABBA; a space where just You and I can communicate and spend time together.

My pups are at my feet, slumbering in the cool breeze, as I begin to listen to You.

One of the greatest things you have taught me, Abba, is that with You, I can be joyful within any and all situations. 

Jesus Christ, who gave me salvation upon the cross…is my “SONLIGHT.”  He is also my “Bird Song.”

In my darkest days, and there have been many within my 73 years, You have sustained me.  Your Holy Word brings peace and reassurance.  Your Word is a lamp unto my feet.

You give me so many signs. Right now I hear the cooing of a morning dove. It is silent except for the buzzing of a few bees, a few cars passing,  and occasionally, the whir of my Farmer’s tractor…..SILENCE.

That’s where I find you…OR RATHER, YOU FIND ME; in the silence.

My mother’s sign from heaven is a mocking bird; long story. After she passed, each time there was a stressful situation, the songbird would arrive.

This past May was irrationally traumatic for someone who has anxiety issues; as my son was fighting legal issues; and lies pitted against him from 22 years ago. 

I KID YOU NOT…the birds, in numbers, were outside my door, tuning their gentle songs.  That was You, ABBA encouraging and saying, “I’ve Got This, My Child”

All of the treasures and wisdoms are hidden, within the mysteries of You, ABBA.

You sent your Son, Jesus Christ, to be The Light of the World.

When light splits, it creates the colors of the rainbow…God’s rainbow; and The SonLight splits throughout creation, fracturing the darkness.

Only Faith in your Son, Jesus Christ brings light to the heart, mind, and soul….through Your Holy Word.

ABBA, as I leave for work, or my daily activities walk with me .. fill me with your SONLIGHT.  Thank You, for blessing me this day.

MY CHILD: John 8: 12 Jesus spoke,”I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never live in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  These are empowered words of salvation for eternity. Believe in My Son. Only through Him will you come to Me.

Once the Holy Spirit lives within you, your light will shine before men(Matt 5:16).  Become a Shepherd, and bring many to Christ.  When others see the Holy Spirit within you, they’ll want what you have.

I love you.

ABBA, Father

JOHN 7:38 “Whoever believes in me, as the scripture says, streams of living water will flow from within him.”

Psalm 46:16 Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations.  I will be exalted in the earth.

Psalm 119:105 Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light for my path.

Psalm 100:3 Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.