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Browsing Tag: #John 8:12

July 20

Colors: Caribbean Ocean Colors Mermaids Tail, Saltwater Taffy, Up In The Clouds-a neutral light gray. What a peaceful line of décor colors! Value of Concentration: You are my Hiding Place. Memory Verse: I hide within the secret dwelling of the Holy Spirit. Good Morning Abba, Father, On this beautiful July mornig, our farm is getting a retreat from the heat. A so badly needed rain is beingpoured upon us. It awakened me this morning with the thunder and lightening. Now it is a gentle mist hovering over the land. As I sip my Cup of Fancy (Lavender Iced…


Color: Classic Manhatten (Shade of orange) Accent Color: Turkish Coffee (Shade of brown) Value of Concentration: The Nearness of Christ/Comfort. Memory Verse: Christ, breathe upon me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As the earth is dusted in a myriad of white, it sings of your artistic splendor. The ground is covered in mounds of sparkling, white snow. Ice glistens upon the trees, as the wind sweeps snow snakes upon the plains. You are near. Outside, the wonders of Your Presence reverberate within my soul. I am blessed to spend time with you this morning, as I drink my Cup of…


Colors: Acai Purple/Mardi Gras/Lavender Value of Concentration: His strength and power show themselves most effective in my weakness. Memory Verse: His strength empowers me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I am tucked up this icy Feb. morn with an ice pack: I’ve had a knee replacement. I need to be empowered to work through these exercises. However you are with me. You will not leave me nor forsake me. My Cup of Fancy is Dark Magic Decaf Coffee/Green Mountain. It’s dark warmth imbibes me with your essence. As I drink, I am inhaling the goodness, warmth…