Colors: Greens and yellows are the colors of health and wholeness. Zinsser Smartcoat/Green Envy/Field of Butterflies Yellow/ Angel Food cake….to pop a neutral. Value of Concentration: Rebuke in His Name. Memory Verse: I claim health and wholeness, in The Name of Jesus. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Harvest is done, the cornfields are being chopped and cut for spring planting. I just let my 3 Lab Babies outside, on this freezing, crisp, clear, sunny morning. Pumpkin Pie Decaf-splash of cream, steams in one of my favorite teapots. My pumpkin pie candle is lit, upon the…
Color: Angelic White(Smartcoat)- The color represents complete, wholeness, purity. Accent Color: Hollandaise Gold -Jewelry suggested. Also, you could wear a jacket with the colors of Coffee Cake, or Cocoa Butter. Value of Concentration: Wholeness/Complete Memory Verse: I will fear no evil for Thou art with me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, MY Goodness! This value of concentration could fill a few pages! The turmoil that Satan has applied to the world, is out to destroy. Youth in America are given filthy rags as far as media is concerned. The “What ifs” and lies that they believe, place huge holes…