Colors: Zinsser Smartcoat/ Blacks-warriors-Oxford Tie/Reds-bloodshed-Red My Mind/ Neutrals to balance-Elegant Swan White Value of Concentration: I AM A WARRIOR Memory Verse: I put on the full Armor of God. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, In the midst of summer heat, You provided a gentle rain, to cool and refresh the air. As I sip my Cup of Fancy, coffee sounds great this morning, (Highlander Grogg Decaf…splash of cream). Sitting on my country porch…the blessings flow. My husband and I worked like Trojans for 45 years to build this farm for our…
COLORS OF A WARRIOR’S ARMOR: golds, silvers, coppers: Smart Coat Colors-Marigold/Hammerhead Silver/Aged Medallion Value of Concentration: Completion: God brought you this far for a specific reason. Memory Verse: I HAVE PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD! Jesus meets all my needs. Good Morning, Abba, Father, As I sip a strong Cup of Fancy (Highland Grogg….Decaf…..heavy cream..), It brings to mind the Scottish Warriors in one of my favorite TV Series-Outlander. They were fearless patriots, whose faith in God and love of family, caress their ancestors to this day. We are called…