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Browsing Tag: #Tidal Wave


Colors: Blues represent trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence: Zinsser/Smartcoat Colors: Tidal Wave Blue/Clear Skies Blue/Elegant Swan White…to pop a neutral Value of Concentration: Why Me, Lord?  Why Me?  Why am I going through this? Memory Verse:  Jesus …my faith and trust in You…carries me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning, ABBA, I pray for myself, and some of us whom are struggling with health issues.  This morning for my Cup of Fancy, I have fixed myself a nice pot of Irish Breakfast Tea. My palette of blues reflect the…


Colors: Blacks-sin/Reds- blood of Christ/Blues- baptism/Whites-purity/Greens-growth in Christ/Gold-the glory of heaven. To go with today’s theme, I have picked the following colors from Zinsser Smartcoat: English Saddle, Heatwave, Tidal Wave, Elegant Swan, Happy Camper and last but not least, Hidden Treasures. *Suggestion: place this in a floral arrangement…or use these colors as a teaching tool for a class. Ex. Kids make a beaded bracelet using these colors. Value of Concentration: I am clothed in salvation. Memory Verse: I wear the garments of truth and righteousness. Good morning…


Colors: Blues and Lavenders exude order and peace. Zinsser/Smartcoat Colors. Tidal Wave/Orchid Breeze/ and pop a neutral with Rose Quartz. Value of Concentration: Live your life, according to God’s order. Memory Verse: Order my life, Oh Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It is so important to have our precious time together, daily. As I sip my Cup of Fancy (Chocolate, Raspberry, Decaf-a dot of cream), I ponder on my past.  The love of my Mother, and the wisdom of my Granny were overwhelming. My Father loved us and worked so hard to provide for us; however…


Colors: Blues represent trust, responsibility, and ownership of one’s life. Waterfront, Tidal Wave, and neutral Up In The Clouds are all beautiful SmartCoat colors. All color combinations can be used for fashion or décor. Value of Concentration: WEAN YOURSELF FROM THE WORLD. Memory Verse: I live in the Presence of Christ, and the world melts around me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, New life is coming as spring arrives. It’s time for all of us to wean ourselves away from the world: lies of the media, OCD spending, food, immorality and our sinful nature, liberal, political lies. As…


Colors: Shades of blue are used to treat illnesses and soothe pain. Tidal wave Blue is bold yet soothing, and accent with Clear Skies Blue. These are SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: Dealing With Pain/Healing Memory Verse: I BREATHE IN….the healing of The Holy Spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The Holiday season is officially upon us. As I cuddle up in my comfy chair with you, hot cocoa is the order of the day, for my Cup of Fancy. It is a season of joy, giving and healing. Many will be involved in festive activities. However, there are…