Colors: Reds/Pinks represent unconditional love. Red My Mind/Frose Pink/Giddy Pink Value of Concentration: Even in my sin and brokenness, You love me. Memory Verse: I am loved unconditionally….and You will never leave me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The last few days, have been very hazy and humid. It’s almost as if the farm as been glazed in a mist. There’s no breeze to blow this mess of haze out of our area, for a few days. Nothing can be seen clearly. However, the sun is trying to break through. As I sip…
Colors: Aqua is the color of soul/blues are the colors of spirituality and inner peace. Zinsser/Smartcoat/ Ibiza Aqua, Siesta Key, and White Bay…to pop a neutral. Value of Concentration: I Claim the Unseen. Memory Verse: Holy Spirit, I feel your Presence. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It’s a bit cloudy this morning, and the spring rains will be welcomed, to ready the ground for planting. As I sip my Cup of Fancy from Granny’s China (Green Mountain Pumpkin-splash of cream) I create a special ambiance between us. Our time together, in Your Presence, is…