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Browsing Tag: spiritual

I’M GLAD THAT I’M F..A..T!!!!!!!

Easy Now, Girls. FAITHFUL: Matt. 25:21 – His Master replied,”Well done my good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things! Come and share your Master’s happiness!” Psalm 31:23 – The Lord loves all his saints! The Lord preserves the faithful, but the proud he pays back in full. Psalm 37:28 – For the Lord loves the just, and will not forsake his faithful ones. Psalm 97:10 – Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of…


     Down The Road I Saw The Significance James 1:2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing OF YOUR FAITH DEVELOPS PERSEVERANCE.        OMG! Tested? Someday when you read my autobiography, you’ll get it. Trust me, when I went through the darkness of post-partum depression, it was nothing more than a miracle, as the light returned.        I can’t tell you about all of those in the same situation, to…


Growing a huge garden was second nature to me. So I thought. My dad always had a huge vegetable garden. We all participated in the planting, harvesting, and giving tons of its contents to friends and family. Back then, my mom wasn’t one to preserve food. She wasn’t one to can, and big family freezers were just becoming popular. I picked strawberries, corn, and tomatoes. I saw so much given away, and thought it rather odd that my parents didn’t feel it important to preserve and conserve. When I married Mr. Moo Cow, I was excited about…


GRANNY’S WISDOM: Spiritual Wisdoms for Those Seeking the Fruits of The Holy Spirit Study the long generations past.   The Book of Sirach (Catholic Bible) 6:34-37 Frequent the company of the elders: whoever is wise, stay close to him. Be eager to hear every discourse; let no wise saying escape you. If you see a man of prudence, seek him out; let your feet wear away his doorstep! Reflect on the precepts of the Lord. Let His commandments be your constant meditation. Then He will enlighten your mind, and the wisdom you desire, He will grant. &nbsp…