Colors: Heatwave Red. The color represents love and tenderness. Add a beige, neutral Cliffhanger and Smitten, a light, neutral; these colors tone and accentuate the bright red. Value of Concentration: Cling to Him. Memory Verse: Jesus, your arms are around me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It’s been snowing! The quiet and the peace on the farm….is incredible. At my age, I’m blessed that I have the luxury to sit at my desk, peruse the gift of Mother Nature, and spend time with you, as I write. My tree is lit, as well as my candles. My Cup…
Colors: Heatwave Red and pop it with a neutral such as Cotton candy or Smitten. These are SmartCoat colors. Any color of red represents the love and passion of God. Value of Concentration: Live In The Moment….With Him Memory Verse: Your Presence Carries me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, On this cool November morn, as I am cuddled up with You, and my Cup of Fancy, I drink in your Holy Presence. What a blessing to know that you will never leave me nor forsake me! There have been so many times in my life, that I was going through…
Colors: Shade of Red – Mulled Wine: this is a strong red that relates love and commitment. Accent Color: Smitten: this is more of a pink shade. Value of Concentration: I Am Precious to Him Memory Verse: I am his Beloved. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Fall is on it’s way, and summer is coming to an end. I have even gotten out some Autumn Decor. As my Mom and Granny before me, I love decorating for the holidays. We all loved to entertain, decorate, and use a plethora of color within our environment. It was not overload, but very…