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Browsing Tag: #smartcoat


Colors: Heatwave Red and Acai Purple – these are both Smartcoat colors. These colors speak of love, strength and overcoming trouble. Connect with a neutral such as Bashful White or Nottingham Grey. Value of Concentration: Troubled: Love That Never Fails Memory verse: Your unfailing love surrounds me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As waves of color grace the farm during harvest, I realize how you have colored my world. My life has been a work of art: yes I am an artist, also. Since childhood, color has defined me. Shades of blue represent some of my troubled past and health issues…


Color: Root Beer Barrels – dark gray/black)represents shielding or protection. Accent: Red My Mind – a snazzy red for passion to pop the black color. Twist the color with a Nottingham Grey for a neutral or use Bashful White. Value of Concentration: He Shields Me. Memory Verse: Shield me with your Love, Oh Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit with my Cup of Fancy, my 3 Lab puppies are at my feet. We sit on my big, country porch, as harvest ensues. My fur babies: Sadie and Petie (Chocolates), Bama-White; they are my shield. They…


Colors: Blue/Green Colors-Siesta Key and Just Jaded. Add a neutral Sea Mist and you have a beautiful color collection for clothing or décor. Soak in the Spirit with these relaxing colors. Value of Concentration: Soak Your Mind In The Spirit Memory Verse: I inhale the Holy Spirit Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Fall is closing in upon us, harvest is at full throttle. Combines are whirring through the cornfields, as they rasp the crops into huge grain trucks. As I soak my mind within the realm of your Holy Word, I await your harvest: the rapture of your…


Color: Clear Skies Blue – a light blue that represents learning. Addent Color: Tidal Wave Blue -is a darker shade that can represent paper and ink. My writing/craft room is painted in these two colors. Value of Concentration: Seek Him and Learn his wonders. Memory Verse: I meditate on your wonders, Oh Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit upon my big, country porch on this beautiful autumn morning, I sip on my Cup of Fancy, eager to spend time with you. When I was a Kindergarten Teacher for years, I tried to have at least 15 minutes with…


Colors: Pumpkin Patch Accent Color: Yellow Joy Value of Concentration: He Rescues Me. Memory Verse: He enfolds me with gentleness. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Lord, waiting for you sometimes is often hard. As we seek and pray, we want our problems solved “NOW!” LOL! At my age, I truly understand that you don’t operate that way. You are not a God of limitations. However, your time is always the perfect time. You see the big picture; whereas, we have no clue what the future holds. My son has been waiting for his situation to be solved. It will be…