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Browsing Tag: #smartcoat

MAY 31

Colors: Shades of yellow represent hard work and positivity. Smartcoat has some beautiful shades of yellow… Golden Honey/New Groove/and Butter Cookie to pop a neutral. Value of Concentration: Heartfelt Work and Positivity…get the job done. Memory Verse: I work in the Name of Jesus, my Savior. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The shades of yellow, that splash the springtime with new life, enhance the lives of many with positivity.The memory verse: MMMMM …..I WORK? Many in this generation….have no clue what the word means. Free money, woke, the now generation, credit cards, sex, drugs; yes…

MAY 24

Colors: Shades of blue and blue violets. SmartCoat has some beautiful colors like Waterfront, Viola and Silver Lilac to go with today’s devotional. Value of Concentration: Becoming thirsty for the Word of God. Memory Verse: Jesus, I thirst for you. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Yesterday, as my husband and the field hands were planting, I was given a specific direction: Make sure that you pack plenty of ice water in the cooler, when you bring lunch. It’s 90 degrees out here today! Yes, that’s quite an unusual temperature for May in Ohio. We’ve all been…

MAY 17

Colors: Yellows are the representation of pure joy. Lemon Curd..Hollandaise..Neutral Cream Puff. Value of Concentration: Joy in the morning. Memory Verse: The Holy Spirit fills my soul with joy and color. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, On this beautiful, sunny morning, I seek joy from the Holy Spirit. Even if my, prayer/reflection time is 10 minutes before I walk out the door, it is enough time to empower my thoughts throughout the day. I seek joy in the morning; so are your morning thoughts and prayers, so goes your day. A few minutes each morning in your Word…

MAY 10

Colors: Shades of red symbolize chaos and disruption. However, shades of green symbolize hope. SmartCoat has some beautiful colors to fit the theme of today’s writing. Bordeaux Currant Red.. Cucumber Cooler Green…Powder Puff Neutral. Value of Concentration: Disruptions In Life Memory Verse: My whirlwind of problems, lay in Jesus’s lap. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As a child, unbeknownst to me, I had inherited some of my earthly father’s bad genetics. My mother always called me “Worry Wart.” That was an understatement. At 10 years old, it led to a dangerous, physical ailment. By the grace…


Colors: Yellow is associated with hope and possibility. Smartcoat has beautiful yellows to choose from… colors like Joy.. Lemon Curd…Cocoa Butter for the neutral. Value of Concentration: With God all Things Are Possible. Memory Verse: If God holds my hand…I CAN WALK ON WATER! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Spring colors bring hope and possibility. Yellows, are rays of sunshine that set fire to the soul and light your spirit. One of the words that God whispered into my heart, throughout my life was the following: You are a “Becomer.” Yes, I prayed for guidance. Yes, I made…


Colors: Red represents power/black represents setting boundaries. Roasted Red Pepper and Hocus Pocus black are beautiful SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: He picks me up, when I stumble. Memory Verse: Christ holds me, as I fall. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I am so excited! This is the first morning, that I am out writing on my big, sunny, country porch. How appropriate; it is Passion week. We recall the passion of Jesus Christ, my Savior. During Lent, the Stations of the Cross are often recited within the realm of the Catholic Church. As anondenominational Catholic, I sometimes say the…


Colors: Blues represent trust, responsibility, and ownership of one’s life. Waterfront, Tidal Wave, and neutral Up In The Clouds are all beautiful SmartCoat colors. All color combinations can be used for fashion or décor. Value of Concentration: WEAN YOURSELF FROM THE WORLD. Memory Verse: I live in the Presence of Christ, and the world melts around me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, New life is coming as spring arrives. It’s time for all of us to wean ourselves away from the world: lies of the media, OCD spending, food, immorality and our sinful nature, liberal, political lies. As…


Colors: Solar Flare..Mulled Wine…Dried Petals Neutral. These are all SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: Precious Promises Memory Verse: I am God’s Precious Child. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This Morning I have my brain in one of my favorite books: The Complete Book Of Bible Promises: by Ron Rhodes. This analysis of your promises has always been a “WOW!” for me. From A-Z: your promises unfold at my fingertips. Whatever you are suffering, whatever you need, whatever you question; Your Holy Word provides all answers. Romans 8: 1 There is no condemnation for those who are in…


Colors: Greys represent maturity…Powder Puff..Cheekey…Two shades of grey with tints of pink. Debonair… a bold pink/grey to pop the colors. These are all SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: Overcoming Pride..becoming mature. Memory Verse: Pride is fleeting in the presence of The Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Granny always said,”Pride cometh before the fall.” How right she was. I’ve seen it within the realm of my extended family, a few times…. and frequently within the political agenda. In this world of insanity, liberalism, and chaos, pride is running rampant. WOKE THIS! WOKE THAT…


Colors: Smart Coat..Hello Yellow..Hidden Treasures Gold..Buttermilk Neutral..The colors symbolize the holiness of God. Value of Concentration: Righteousness Memory Verse: Praise God: I am righteous through …FAITH ALONE! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit typing and drinking my Cup of Fancy, I look out over the farm on a cold, February morn. My three dogs (Labs 2 choc/ 1 white)are outside running around the Mighty Burr Oak: playing peacefully and rolling around in the new fallen snow. They are fearless, knowing that they are loved and cared for. This is how you want my relationship…


Colors: Siesta Key Blue/Ibiza Blue. These are both SmartCoat colors and both represent hearing, speaking, and seeing things clearly. Add on Buttermilk as a neutral (another SmartCoat color). Value of Concentration: EPHATHA….BE OPENED to the fullness of The Holy Spirit… within mind, spirit and soul. Memory Verse: May my mind be opened to the will of The Holy Spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, A new year presses upon us. Isn’t it funny how you just had me type the word,”Presses?” With the chaotic world situation, it feels as if the weight of the world is placed…


Colors: Shades of green represent birth; Inchworm, Kale Chips, and Key Lime create a beautiful palette. These are SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: The Virgin Birth Memory Verse: Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It is snowing outside this morning. I’m sipping on my Cup of Chocolate, Brownie, Cinnamon Coffee. Yum! It is totally placing me in the Holiday mood! I have been reading the four Gospels about the virgin birth. I am free! I am heaven bound! My name is written in The Lamb’s Book of Life. All of these gifts…


Colors: Shades of green represent abundance and growth: Feeling Lucky, Key Lime, and a neutral Citrus Infusion make a beautiful palette of colors. These are all SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: Living In Abundance/Happy Thanksgiving Memory Verse: I claim and receive God’s Abundance! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It is the week of Thanksgiving. My sovereign God, you have blessed our nation abundantly. Why? We were founded on the Judaeo /Christian Faiths. Our pledge of Allegiance states,”One nation, under God.” BUT ARE WE?????? Satan is doing everything in his power to abolish Christ, the Son of the Living…


Colors: Retro Vibes and Dreamsicle: These are SmartCoat colors. Retro Vibes is a shade of orange that can represent your strong love, or satisfaction of attaining the success through an orange flower arrangement. Dreamsicle is a vibrant color that conveys satisfaction, confidence and passion for life. Value of Concentration: Satisfaction Memory Verse: He Satisfies My Soul. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Fall has taken ahold of my environment. As the leaves fall, I am always reminded of the Holiday Season soon to come, and the new life of spring to follow. As I review my life, there have been many trials…


Colors: Periwinkle in Time and Orchid Breeze – These are SmartCoat colors and are two gorgeous colors that represent the blue of tranquility and the warmth of blessing. Pop it with a neutral and you have an awesome décor combination. Value of Concentration: I Am Blessed. Memory Verse: I live in blessed expectation. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit with my Cup of Fancy, drinking in the warmth of my Irish Breakfast Tea, I praise You for all of the blessings that You have showered upon me within my lifetime. As I think of all of the hard…