Colors: Shades of blue mean,”No Immediate Hazard.” Icebreaker/Morning Jog/Gentle Rain to pop a gray neutral. (All Smartcoat Colors) Value of Concentration: Angels watch over me. Memory Verse: I am safe in the arms of The Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As we age, quite often, sleep does not come easily. So here I am, at 4a.m. I’m in my “War Room,” my “Creation Room,” my “Hues of The Spirit Room.” By now, you know I have an art background; writing, painting, drawing, sketching, scrap booking, glass painting. Color defines me.  …
Colors: Lilac- The color represents self-reflection and awareness. Charcoal Gray-This color is linked with maturation. Powder white-represents purity and fulfillment. Value of Concentration: Neediness Memory Verse: My God fills the holes within my heart. Good Morning, Abba Father, As I seek you in the morning, I hunger and thirst for you. Your word is a lamp unto my feet. You fill my spirit withmanna from heaven. You fill the cold whispering wind with the following:*You are loved.*You are worthy.*You are the beautiful daughter of the King. As a young woman, I had so many…