Colors: Blacks-sin/Reds- blood of Christ/Blues- baptism/Whites-purity/Greens-growth in Christ/Gold-the glory of heaven. To go with today’s theme, I have picked the following colors from Zinsser Smartcoat: English Saddle, Heatwave, Tidal Wave, Elegant Swan, Happy Camper and last but not least, Hidden Treasures. *Suggestion: place this in a floral arrangement…or use these colors as a teaching tool for a class. Ex. Kids make a beaded bracelet using these colors. Value of Concentration: I am clothed in salvation. Memory Verse: I wear the garments of truth and righteousness. Good morning…
Colors: Cream Puff/ Cocoa Butter/ Beige You Look-all shades of Smartcoat Creamy Whites: they represent righteousness/purity Value of concentration: Clothe yourself in righteousness through GRACE! Memory Verse: OH Lord! I love my new clothes! LOLOLO! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning as I sit in your lap, my Cup of Fancy is Oatmeal Cookie Decaf. Yes, this daughter of yours always jokes; “I’m a decaf person only, because caffeine makes me Cra-Z-ERR than I already am!” LOLO! I wouldn’t sleep for two days, if I drank the real deal. The…
Colors: Colors of wealth are silver, gold, and copper. Silver Fox/Hollandaise Gold/Mustard Seeds Value of Concentration: I am wealthy in Christ Jesus. Memory Verse: Riches of righteousness and wisdom pour over me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The Christmas Season is upon us. The mentioned colors sparkle and represent the arrival of the King of heaven and earth I am rich. I am the Daughter of the King. I am an heir to eternal life. My name is written in The Lamb’s Book of Life. I am justified by Grace, through Faith. It is a…
Colors: Smart Coat..Hello Yellow..Hidden Treasures Gold..Buttermilk Neutral..The colors symbolize the holiness of God. Value of Concentration: Righteousness Memory Verse: Praise God: I am righteous through …FAITH ALONE! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit typing and drinking my Cup of Fancy, I look out over the farm on a cold, February morn. My three dogs (Labs 2 choc/ 1 white)are outside running around the Mighty Burr Oak: playing peacefully and rolling around in the new fallen snow. They are fearless, knowing that they are loved and cared for. This is how you want my relationship…
Color: Lavender- The color represents peace, and grace. Accent Colors: Heather-also represents softness, trust and grace. Place it along side of a White Champagne Toast toneutralize. Value of Concentration: Grace Memory Verse: I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Winter is beginning to close in upon us. The colors of the Christmas Holidays are beginning to sneak into everyone’s home décor. However, today, my two colors sing of Your Grace. I heard the word “Grace,” growing up as a child. However, it meant nothing to me. I was taught that you…