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Browsing Tag: #Resurrection


Colors: Greens-eternal life-new life-rebirth. Purples-resurrection/spring. Zinsser/Smartcoat. Medusa Green/Acai Purple/Harmony to pop a neutral. Value of Concentration: Renewal and Rebirth Memory Verse: Open my heart to you, ABBA, through your Son Jesus Christ. Good Morning, Abba Father, It is a new year.  It is a breath of fresh air.  I am at the beginning of a new adventure. As I sip my Cup of Fancy (Decaf Hot Cinnamon Spice, I breathe in the warmth of your spirit. My time with you is so precious. Even at my age (75) I…


Color: Plum-The color represents awareness, self-reflection, inspiration Accent Color-Coconut White-A nurturing substance of white. Value of Concentration: Promise Memory Verse: The Promises of God fill my mind with peace. Good Morning, Abba Father, There are many promises within your Holy Word. Many have been fulfilled, and more are yet to come. Throughout my study, The Book of Psalms has really held my heart. Between Chapter 119-124 there are 13 promises. Each time I turn to Psalms, you bless me with your favor. Your promise and encouragement carry me through my trials and tribulations. There are…


Color: Daffodil-represents happiness, optimism, certainty. Accent Color: Peach-represents innocence, modesty Value of Concentration: Certainty Memory Verse: With certainty, my resurrection awaits me. Good Morning, Abba Father, It is Spring! I am certain the weather will soon be warming, and color will be exploding everywhere. How blessed I am of the Certainty of your promises. The color Daffodil represents certainty and optimism. The color Peach can represent innocence and modesty. In our innocence, we certainly believe:*Jesus was born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary.*Jesus Christ is the Son of God.*Jesus died on the cross, Jesus shed…