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Browsing Tag: Rest


Color Purple Symbolizes: Royalty, nobility, luxury, power, ambition, wealth, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace. Value of Concentration: Royalty Memory Verse: I AM THE DAUGHTER OF THE KING! Good Morning Lord….My Abba Father..My Papa, Here I am with my Cup of Fancy; just You and me, Lord. As I drink in Your love, and compassion, You anoint me and clothe me with the color purple. Anyone who knows me well, understands that my favorite color is purple. I wear it all the time. I am Royalty and The Daughter of The King. Your Holy Spirit lives within me. I pray…


Adding Color to a Black and White Life A DAILY DEVOTIONAL BOOK COMING SOON! Surrounding yourself with color effects your emotions, personality, values, and the way you perceive, think, and act. One needs to create an environment of color that makes you feel, happy, strong, worthy, and empowered by The Holy Spirit. There was a great deal of color in my childhood home. My Granny and my Mother were very colorful woman. Bright colors were always the regimen for my Mother’s wardrobe. Red was her favorite color. She always spiked it with another shade, tint, or hue that would…


In The Mean Time……. Lamentations 3: 24-26 I say to myself, ”The Lord is my portion; I will wait for Him. The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him; it is good to waitquietly for the salvation of The Lord.” Isaiah 40: 31-32 But those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like agles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. OUR PARADIGHM HAS CHANGED: in the meantime……………..* Praise God that you can be safe at home with your family.* Praise…


Psalm 3:5 I lie down and sleep; I awake again because The Lord sustains me. Psalm 4:8 I lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. We’ve all been there and done that: the job, the marriage, the kids, the divorce, the demise, the birth, the game, the farm, the weather, the finances, pissy siblings/friendships, the business. Sleepless nights, tossing and turning: Last night was one of them. It was totally my fault. I took a nap, and had a high caffeine choco-brownie right before I went…