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Browsing Tag: respect


She and Mom Blessed Me With Their Wisdoms Because I asked and Listened James 1: 2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers when you face trials of many kinds. Because you know that testing your faith develops perseverance. I was so blessed to be of the linage of mom and granny. It’s their faith, teachings, and examples that led me to Christ. Oh I was somewhat of a rebel in my youth, but my faith was my foundation. Granny always said,” With age comes wisdom, and experience is the best teacher.” At 70 all of her words have…


Walter Cronkite…I Miss You! Eph. 4:15   Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Him who is the Head, that is, Christ.        I’m a child of the 50’s 60’s eras. Every Night, Walter Cronkite ruled the airwaves.  After I married in’72, I could still hear that electrifying voice of truth and wisdom, resound on our TV channel.        TRUTH….. You always knew that whatever he reported was Gospel.       RESPECT… Due to the…