Colors: A Green Ribbon is the symbol of mental health awareness. Greens/ Zinsser Smartcoat/Medusa Green/Mojito Green/Porcelain….. to pop a neutral Value of Concentration: Put on the Mind of Christ. Memory verse: Perceive my thoughts Oh Lord, and align them with Yours. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The morning dew is sparkling on the ground, as the sunlight rises over the farm. In Ohio, October weather chills quickly. Most likely, this will be my last week, writing from my big, country porch. Then, it’s up to my War Room, which I’ll inhabit til spring. The…
Colors: Cream Puff/ Cocoa Butter/ Beige You Look-all shades of Smartcoat Creamy Whites: they represent righteousness/purity Value of concentration: Clothe yourself in righteousness through GRACE! Memory Verse: OH Lord! I love my new clothes! LOLOLO! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning as I sit in your lap, my Cup of Fancy is Oatmeal Cookie Decaf. Yes, this daughter of yours always jokes; “I’m a decaf person only, because caffeine makes me Cra-Z-ERR than I already am!” LOLO! I wouldn’t sleep for two days, if I drank the real deal. The…