Colors: Reds and purples represent the powers in The Name of Jesus. Smartcoat combinations/ Bordeaux/Debonair/Cheeky to pop a neutral Value of Concentration: There is Power in The Name of Jesus. Memory Verse: Your Name is above All Names. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I hear the song,”The Heat Is On,” playing in my head. Yep, it’s gonna be a scorcher today: 95. I’m on the couch with my lap top, and the air is on already at 9a.m. My puppies can’t take the heat, so not much outside playtime today. As I sip my…
Colors: Red My Mind and Regal Purple are both colors of power and royalty. Add Buttermilk Neutral and you have a wow of a color scheme! Value of Concentration: Call out to Him! Memory Verse: There is power in The Name of Jesus. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, There is a clear, frigid, blue sky this morning. The sun is rising and spreading rays of color, over the horizon. My 300 year old Burr Oak Tree is shaded in purple, as a monument to royalty. As the rays of sunlight shine behind it, The Tree of Life comes into view. I…