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Browsing Tag: #Peace


Colors: Neptune- Lavender/Cabana-Blue/Morning Jog-light blue, neutral. These colors speak of calm, peace,  and tranquility. Value of Concentration: His calm and peaceful Presence walk with me throughout my day. Memory Verse: Bring peace to my soul, Lord Jesus. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning as I drink my Cup of Fancy (Pumpkin Spice Decaf…touch of cream), I am using a flowered teapot, that I bought at the Rosemary House in Pennsylvania.  Yep, this is my peaceful time. Even though the craziness of Woke, Liberalism, pro-abortion, and anti-faith in Christ swirl around our environment…


Colors: Blues and Lavenders exude order and peace. Zinsser/Smartcoat Colors. Tidal Wave/Orchid Breeze/ and pop a neutral with Rose Quartz. Value of Concentration: Live your life, according to God’s order. Memory Verse: Order my life, Oh Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It is so important to have our precious time together, daily. As I sip my Cup of Fancy (Chocolate, Raspberry, Decaf-a dot of cream), I ponder on my past.  The love of my Mother, and the wisdom of my Granny were overwhelming. My Father loved us and worked so hard to provide for us; however…


Colors: Cucumber Cooler/Wild Thistle/Moonbeam. This palette is calm, cool, and collected. Value of Concentration:”I’m Chillin.” Memory Verse: Waves of peace flow over me, as the Lord  provides. Good Morning, ABBA,  Father, On this beautiful August morning, “I’m Chilling with You.” Lavender Iced Tea hits the spot this morning, for My Cup Of Fancy. It’s the best…especially when you add a dash of lemon and sweetener. Oh! The perfect place to be chillin is at the beach; laying in the sun, as you listen to the waves roll across the sand…


Color: Sage Green-The color represents comfort and is soothing. Accent Color: Azure Blue: The color represents calm, peace, comfort and sincerity. Value of Concentration: Selfless or Sincere Memory Verse: Spirit, give me a “Selfless Love” for others. Good Morning, Abba Father, Sincerity-the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. Father, we live in a world that is filled with Hypocrisy; within politics, the workplace, and relationships with friends and spouses. Satan is having a feast day! He is so happy with the mess he is making in our world. As I go through my day, allow…


Colors: Ivory White-is associated with air, the direction north, and the spiritual side of humans. Spider Black- isassociated with water, the direction west, and the physical part of humanity. The color is meant to transform. Accent Colors: Canary Yellow- is associated with earth, and is meant to complete, maturity, and wisdom, and thedirection south. Fire Red-In regards to humanity- anger, solving problems, the direction east, the sun will rise again and your outlook will improve. Value of Concentration: Humanity Good Morning, ABBA, Father, November finishes the season of Harvest. However, with the Christian Holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmasapproaching…


Color: Shade of Blue: Cobalt and Arctic/two vibrant colors of tranquility. Accent Color: Snow: This color has the slightest touch of blue. If you combine these colors, you could have a “WOW” of an outfit or décor. Value of Concentration: Peace Memory Verse: In the “Stillness,” I hear your voice of Peace. Good Morning Abba, Father, There are blizzard conditions outside Lord, the world has come to a complete standstill…..and your PEACE COVERS THE EARTH. Allow me to standstill and inhale your peace this day. Sometimes my mind becomes a whirlwind. So often there are outside forces…