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Browsing Tag: #Moxie


Colors: The rose-red color of amaranth represents eternity. Watermelon/Moxie/Frose Value of Concentration: God is eternal. Memory Verse: Eternity is within me. Good Morning ABBA, Father, Winter is definitely upon us, and the New Year is a few days away. My Cup of Fancy this morning is hot chocolate..Oh the calories! Who cares? I’m tucked away in my War Room; sitting in my fav chair, my fav throw,  along with my laptop …and The Holy Spirit within me, ready to hit the keys. How do I know that He lives within me?  Once…


Colors: Shades of reds and pinks symbolize love and the softness of God’s love. Watermelon/Moxie/Early Frost Value of Concentration: I tried and I tried..but He still loved me in my imperfection: FINALLY I REALIZED, I DIDN’T HAVE TO TRY….HE PAID IT ALL! Memory Verse: I am righteous by faith. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The denomination in which I was raised, placed a lot of guilt on a young child. I can remember saying to God,” So I’m not worthy …AGAIN?”  IT WAS A NEVER ENDING BATTLE.  Back in the day…


Colors: Shades of pink: Moxie, Watermelon, Frose. These are feminine shades that exude the love and gentleness of God. I can almost feel his presence as I surround myself with these soft colors. Value of Concentration: You Are In The Holy Hands of God. Memory Verse: Engulf me with your Love, Oh Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I was being formed within the womb of my mother, You were there at conception. You knew me. I was engulfed within your Holy Hands. Life is so sacred. Unfortunately, there are many in their selfishness, who don’t see it that…


Color: Cherry Red-The color can represents flirtatiousness and being outgoing. Accent Colors: Moxie and Cheeky- What a beautiful home décor theses colors could make in any room or flower arrangement! Value of Concentration: Outgoing/Service Memory Verse: I am to bless through serving others. Good Morning, ABBA Father, I praise you for the glorious wisdoms that you taught me. “Do you want to heal your mind from darkness and shine within the realm of the Light of The Holy Spirit? Then youmust do the following.”:* Transform your mind through my Living Word.* Give yourself away in the service…