Colors: A Green Ribbon is the symbol of mental health awareness. Greens/ Zinsser Smartcoat/Medusa Green/Mojito Green/Porcelain….. to pop a neutral Value of Concentration: Put on the Mind of Christ. Memory verse: Perceive my thoughts Oh Lord, and align them with Yours. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The morning dew is sparkling on the ground, as the sunlight rises over the farm. In Ohio, October weather chills quickly. Most likely, this will be my last week, writing from my big, country porch. Then, it’s up to my War Room, which I’ll inhabit til spring. The…
Colors: Greens are the color for mental health awareness. Wear a green ribbon during mental health awareness month. Zinsser/Smartcoat :Sweet SucculentGreen/Berlin Green/Pistachio Green Value of Concentration: Mental Strength Memory Verse: My mind is transformed by The Word, and I rest in HIM! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Father, Your sense of humor sometimes cracks me up. I sit here with my Cup of Fancy, (Swiss Mocha Almond Decaf…no cream..wanna taste that chocolate), and I’m writing about the colors of mental health/greens. It’s a cool gray morning, As I looked up from…
Colors: Yellows are the representation of pure joy. Lemon Curd..Hollandaise..Neutral Cream Puff. Value of Concentration: Joy in the morning. Memory Verse: The Holy Spirit fills my soul with joy and color. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, On this beautiful, sunny morning, I seek joy from the Holy Spirit. Even if my, prayer/reflection time is 10 minutes before I walk out the door, it is enough time to empower my thoughts throughout the day. I seek joy in the morning; so are your morning thoughts and prayers, so goes your day. A few minutes each morning in your Word…