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Browsing Tag: MENNONITE


R.I.P. Richard Foster PROVERBS…Raise up a child in the way he should go, and he will not depart from it. The summer of 1975 would be the beginning of a new paradigm, a new normal for a young couple whose farm was located on A.W. Wilson Rd. We had married Aug. 4 th of ’72, and began to build a Christian Homestead, one day at a time. Tom began to milk cows on Feb. 6 of 1974. I had taught Elementary Art in the Jonathan Alder Schools from ’72-’75. I had recently resigned my position…


  It was a Friday night, during Lent, in 2004. Both of our husbands were working, as usual. It was time for a Girlfriend Adventure. When your mothers of boys and wives of 2 workaholic men, Girlfriend Time is essential. Now before I begin my story, I must explain many meanings contained within this picture. Extravagant Grace and Fearless Faith ,are the names that God endowed to us, during our spiritual journey. She’s wearing Ladybug slippers because she is God’s precious One…like a Ladybug. That entire story will be explained within my book, The Erstwhile Acorn . That…