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Browsing Tag: #lavender


Colors: Blues/Greens/Lavenders are colors of refreshment: Zinsser/Smartcoat/ Charleston Blue/Shades of Spring Green/Lavender Lace Value of Concentration:  Search my heart, OH Lord! Memory Verse:  You know me and refresh me with Your Presence. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The sun is shining brightly upon a field of new-fallen snow. As I sip my Cup of Fancy (Pumpkin Spice Decaf..splash of cream), I am in awe of the colors that are sprinkling across the horizon. The sun, creeping over the horizon, is displaying colors of pinks, purples, oranges, and reds, against the azure morning…


Colors: Greens/Blues/Lavenders are all cool refreshing colors.  LOL! Can’t wait to see this palette. Zinsser Smartcoat/Key Lime Green /Waterfront Blue/Lavender and Lace/ now pop a creamy neutral..Buttermilk.  Value of Concentration: Refresh yourself in the Lord. Memory Verse:  Your cool breath is upon me this day. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As the weather becomes cooler. I am ready to be refreshed from the heat of summer.   The cool morning breezes flow through my big, country porch, as I sip my Cup of Fancy (Mint Iced Tea with lemon). Spending my morning…


Colors: Acai Purple/Mardi Gras/Lavender Value of Concentration: His strength and power show themselves most effective in my weakness. Memory Verse: His strength empowers me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I am tucked up this icy Feb. morn with an ice pack: I’ve had a knee replacement. I need to be empowered to work through these exercises. However you are with me. You will not leave me nor forsake me. My Cup of Fancy is Dark Magic Decaf Coffee/Green Mountain. It’s dark warmth imbibes me with your essence. As I drink, I am inhaling the goodness, warmth…


Color: Lavender- The color represents peace, and grace. Accent Colors: Heather-also represents softness, trust and grace. Place it along side of a White Champagne Toast toneutralize. Value of Concentration: Grace Memory Verse: I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Winter is beginning to close in upon us. The colors of the Christmas Holidays are beginning to sneak into everyone’s home décor. However, today, my two colors sing of Your Grace. I heard the word “Grace,” growing up as a child. However, it meant nothing to me. I was taught that you…