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Browsing Tag: laughter


My Boys, Toys, and Other Fond Memories 2 Cor.4:17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. Isaiah 61:3 They will be called “Oakes of Righteousness,” a planting for The Lord. This above scripture speaks volumes to me about our sons, and the way in which they were raised. Since I AM THE ERSTWHILE ACORN…..God gave me the above special scripture about my boys one morning, as I was seeking Him through His Word. April the 16, 2020: It was not only a day of hard…


Toilet Paper Vanity Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land, and will strengthen your frame. Phil 2:3-5 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be that as the same as Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19 And my God will meet all of your needs, according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Proverbs 14…


PART 2 The Catholic Fressing: May 17,2003 And Other Zanies For your info: Dutch interpretation: The word Fressing means pigging out, or eating way too much. The word goxing means gossiping or playfully speaking. Before Vatican II, Catholicism was filled with rules. We didn’t eat meat on Fridays. I’m Bored!!!!! Living in a household of all men, can make the single woman feel unappreciated and often CRA!CRA!! When there’s a family vote over any issue, I usually lose…talk about feeling invisible! It’s mid May, all of the crops should be planted by now…


PART 1 God Created A Monster: Halloween 2002 Prequil: My Best Friend….Linda Grace….. for years we dealt with workaholic husbands. My husband milked cows for 43 years, caring for his family and building a Century Farm. Gracie’s husband worked late hours at Honda. It’s a necessity of life for all women to have friends they can rely upon. Women need other women. The best way to stop feeling sorry for yourself, is to get a friend and become creative….. AND SO WE DID! Purple and pink wings, green antennae, six legs, and a tiny red body with…

My wild Kentucky…..

MY WILD, WACKY, WONDERFUL, WEEKEND Lunch With My Ft. Thomas, Ky. Cousins Laughter is the Best Medicine: Granny Laible. OMG! Did my sister and I ever have a spectacular weekend? Her cancer is in remission. Hopefully, God has blessed her with a few more years. The present theme is Sue drives; sister sleeps. We need to spend as much time together as possible. I left home on Sat.Sept.22, and took the hour drive to Dayton. I picked up sister and we headed towards Cincinnati. Once we entered the Queen City, Sister exclaimed. ”There she is!” The Big Mack…

The 70’s

DRIVE THE TRACTOR! PLOUGH THROUGH IT! You’ll Come Out Stronger On The Other Side. Psalm 112:7 He will have no fear of bad news. His heart is steadfast trusting in the Lord. This scripture sounds good doesn’t it? It’s great to say, ”I’ve been through a lot. I’m a survivor. The suffering defined me and I’m a strong woman.” It’s all true. I am a very strong woman. However, I still have a lot of fields to plough. My husband and I both have grown a lot together in 46 years. Here…


WATCH GOD WORK HIS MIRACLES. America On The Edge Oh Israel…I will Bless Those who Bless You….I will Curse Those who Curse You! I believe in the Covenant that God has made with Israel. For those of you who follow me, you already know that I am a conservative Christian. God Bless Our President! The above scripture says it all! Due to the fact that our President moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, watch how Our God fulfills prophecy. Watch in great expectation for America to be blessed. The day the Embassy was opened, Pastor Jeffers stated the…


I AM A PRISONER! Live Worthy Of Your Calling. Eph .4:1-6 As a Prisoner for the Lord, then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle. Be patient bearing with one another. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit, through the bond of peace. There is One Body and One Spirit, just as you were called to One Hope.(One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God and Father of All, who is over all, and through all.) It’s hard to be gentle…


GOD IS GENTLE AND HOLDS US IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND. 2 Samuel 22:31 The Word of God is flawless. As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. GOD’S WORD’S TO ME:”I will never leave you. You will never shame me.” LOL! OH REALLY? THAT’S NOT WHAT SISTER MARY NOT SO BRIGHT pounded into me for 12 years. God’s Grace and freedom are so amazing. Too bad it didn’t soak in until I was 50…

Troubles hearts…

DO NOT LET YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED. Sean Hannity: Fox News Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong, take heart, and wait for the Lord. If you follow my blogging, you must know that I am a Christian Conservative. Fox News is the only network that doesn’t have the unhinged left attitude. Nightly, we watch Sean Hannity, whom is severely, hated by the left. In my 69 years, I have never seen such hate lashed out at a President, and fellow Christians. Believe it…if you are a true Christian, you are under attack. I believe that…

Giggles, girlfriends, gaffaws…

Spa Day at Mary’s Prov 17:17 A Friend loves at all times. ……….AND WE LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY! The Girlfriends were at it again! Oh my goodness! Did we have fun or what? Call it our second childhood, or call it whatever you like. We had so much fun on June 20! Along with all of our masks, make-up, nail polishes and footbaths, we each brought a salad. Mary ordered a pizza, made a dessert and provided drinks. After saying our blessing, and filling our tummies, we began to orchestrate the afternoon activities. Bella, who is Diane’s 15…


         Last week, I relayed to all of you, how  Colonel Grandpa touched our lives.  When he came to us, an entire, new era began to blossom upon the farm.     Not only did my farmer have an extra dairy/field hand, but also a mechanic, construction worker, vet, and Ag Researcher.  He introduced so many new venues of farming, that I couldn’t begin to name them all: chisel  plowing, drilling soybeans, rolling hay, a new tractor and kick bailer and …..Growing Potatoes.     When he brought this new idea to us, we thought he was joking. One afternoon in the early…


  It was a Friday night, during Lent, in 2004. Both of our husbands were working, as usual. It was time for a Girlfriend Adventure. When your mothers of boys and wives of 2 workaholic men, Girlfriend Time is essential. Now before I begin my story, I must explain many meanings contained within this picture. Extravagant Grace and Fearless Faith ,are the names that God endowed to us, during our spiritual journey. She’s wearing Ladybug slippers because she is God’s precious One…like a Ladybug. That entire story will be explained within my book, The Erstwhile Acorn . That…


Kids on the farm lead a totally different lifestyle than other children. They have the freedom to create with nature.  However, with boys, creativity always takes on a different form. One summer afternoon, about 35 yrs. ago, my six and four year old sons were playing out in the rain. A heavy storm had come upon the farm and left tremendous puddles in which they were playing . It didn’t take long for me to figure out that they were rolling around in the puddles and throwing mud balls at one another. It’s a farm. All I did, was…


FRIENDSHIP… ROCK ALONG WITH ME….REST IN YOUR COMFY CHAIR AND LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT WHO GUIDES ME….. Todays topic…..TRUE FRIENDSHIP The Book of Sirach Ch. 6:5-17 A kind mouth multiplies friends, and gracious lips prompt friendly greetings. Let your acquaintances be many, but one in a thousand your confidant. When you gain a friend, first test him, and be not too ready to trust him. For one sort of friend is a friend when it suits him, but he will not be with you in the time of distress. Another is a friend who becomes an…