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Browsing Tag: LAUGH


       2Cor 3:3 You show that you are a Letter From Christ, the result of our ministry, written not in ink, but with the Spirit of the Living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of the human heart. Who Me?        YES! YOU!   We can write on the hearts of others with the simplest word, smile, hug, or encouragement.        We all do it….at times. Within our homes, families, and circle of friends. All of us work jobs touching lives of others; however, we…


This morning I was watching Rachel Ray. She was creating her favorite Sicilian Recipe that she used to make with her grandfather. She noted the fact that when she gets to heaven, it would be the first meal she would fix for him. This so touched my heart. It took my mind on a journey of dishes from my German heritage. When I get to heaven, these are the meals I want to share with my heavenly ancestors. Mom..Pork roast…sauerkraut…mashed potatoes..applesauce. Dad and Granpa O… Limburger cheese on black rye bread..onion..mustard..and an ice…