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Browsing Tag: GRANDPA


         Last week, I relayed to all of you, how  Colonel Grandpa touched our lives.  When he came to us, an entire, new era began to blossom upon the farm.     Not only did my farmer have an extra dairy/field hand, but also a mechanic, construction worker, vet, and Ag Researcher.  He introduced so many new venues of farming, that I couldn’t begin to name them all: chisel  plowing, drilling soybeans, rolling hay, a new tractor and kick bailer and …..Growing Potatoes.     When he brought this new idea to us, we thought he was joking. One afternoon in the early…


Our young ,married life on the farm was given a huge blessing. A year after Tom’s dad passed(a week after we married), my mother-in-law married her widowed, college sweetheart. Thus our lives took on a new venue. Colonel Grandpa Ashton, arrived upon the scene. He was a breath of fresh air, in the lives of a young couple under pressure. As a retired, army veteran/veterinarian ,who was raised as a dairy farmer, his wealth of knowledge and experience was a treasure. He served in WWII and the Korean War. I so wish that he was…