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Browsing Tag: GOD


Walter Cronkite…I Miss You! Eph. 4:15   Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Him who is the Head, that is, Christ.        I’m a child of the 50’s 60’s eras. Every Night, Walter Cronkite ruled the airwaves.  After I married in’72, I could still hear that electrifying voice of truth and wisdom, resound on our TV channel.        TRUTH….. You always knew that whatever he reported was Gospel.       RESPECT… Due to the…


Matt 1:23 The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel-which means, ”God with us.”        I am absolutely enthralled, with the strong women, in the ancestry of Christ. Due to the fact that they said, ”Yes.” The first book of Matthew proclaims the names of these women.     Tamar, whom I believe to be a 7th great grandmother to Boaz, took a leap of faith. She was betrothed to the two sons of Judah. They would not allow her to…


            SPOTLIGHT 5 LEAVE A LEGACY              Granny’s  Corner Psalm 145:3-6  Great is The Lord, and most worthy of praise. His greatness nobody can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another.  They will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works.  They will tell of the power of your wonderful works, and I will proclaim…


My Dear Sweet Granny and Mother taught my sister and I some valuable Lessons. These are the values they lived by: Love, Live, Laugh, Learn, and Leave a Legacy.  Here is the first spotlight in this series.                 Throughout the ages, love has been the one and only thing that humans cannot live without.  Valentines Day was over the top, as usual.        My man gave me a card, and we went out to lunch.  However, you want to know what my favorite time…

Removing Monsters In Your Life

James 1:19 Be slow to speak and slow to become angry.         DON’T PLAY POSSUM WITH ME         A few months ago my husband had a knee replacement. However, he was in good enough shape to wobble outside, thank the Good Lord.         CHECK OUT THE SCENE:         We had just put up the Xmas Tree that Sat p.m., and were enjoying Hallmark Xmas Movies. Suddenly, the pups outside began this HUGE DEEP…



Often times either Mother Nature or her little creatures, teach us lessons. So is the case with Petie and Sadie, our Chocolate Lab Litter Mates. These pups have grown up so fast, they were becoming restless and hard to control. Twice, when we had come home, they had literally gnawed holes in the wall. Sadie was also becoming infamous at trying to take things off the counters. I needed to change their paradigm very quickly. They needed an area to run, play, and wear out their energy. In comes Chip to the rescue, my Invisible Fence Hero. The pups play…


Granny and Mom were never judgmental. Dad…somewhat, but all three of them taught me to make good choices. Growing up, I was a pretty good judge of character. I recognized very easily those with whom I didn’t wish to associate. I graduated from college in’72. It was the Hippie Era, when drugs and pot became ignited within our society. Thank God, it was never my cup of Tea. Twelve years of nuns did give me a good mindset, as far as drugs and morality were concerned. I dated a lot of zeros. I learned what I was…


This morning I was watching Rachel Ray. She was creating her favorite Sicilian Recipe that she used to make with her grandfather. She noted the fact that when she gets to heaven, it would be the first meal she would fix for him. This so touched my heart. It took my mind on a journey of dishes from my German heritage. When I get to heaven, these are the meals I want to share with my heavenly ancestors. Mom..Pork roast…sauerkraut…mashed potatoes..applesauce. Dad and Granpa O… Limburger cheese on black rye bread..onion..mustard..and an ice…


Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you. Plans not to harm you, but for a hope and a future. This morning I was watching one of my favorite programs, Life Today with hosts James and Betty Robinson. The guest for the day was Squire Rushnell, the author of God Winks. WOW! I’ve REALIZED many in my lifetime. I capitalized the word realized for a reason.  We all get God Winks.  Many of us REALIZE that they occur through a Divine Alignment (Rushnell’s new Book). Others do not. For those tapped into “The Source…


    This is one of Granny’s most profound quotes. Proverbs 16:18-19 Pride goes before disaster, and a haughty spirit before a fall. It is better to be humble with the poor, than to share plunder with the proud.  I heard Granny say this to us diligently.      As you well know by now,  it was Granny and Mom who formed my faith, spiritualism, and character. They were my role models of wisdom.     All you have to do is turn on any of the award shows from Hollywood, and you’ll see what I mean. There are many who receive…


Granny always taught me that the Bible was the Word of God. Thirty-eight years ago, I began an adventure of becoming. I asked God to help me reinvent myself. I always told everyone close to me that, ”God took me apart, and put me back together the way He wanted me to be.” In fact, He’s still reworking the puzzle of Sue, and rearranging her into His Fearless Faith. My story is an adventure with God. After He made some major changes, I prepared to return to teaching. First, I earned a K-8 Elementary Lifetime Certificate. (90…


  SIT IN YOUR COMFEY CHAIR AND ROCK ALONG WITH ME AND LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT WHO GUIDES ME…GRANNY       2Timothy 1:6-7 Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God, which is in you, through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.   When God gives you an order, the only answer is, “Yes, Lord.” However..LOL… being somewhat OCD I ask ,”WHY ME?   YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?”WOW! …. But…