Colors: Blues are the colors of heaven. Zinsser Smartcoat/Bayou Blue/Charleston Blue,/Glacier Bay…to pop a neutral. Value of Concentration: My name is written in The Lambs Book of Life. Memory Verse: Give me a glimpse of heaven, O Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I look out over this beautiful cold (10 degrees) December morning, I am preparing to spend my time writing, listening, and seeking your word. Sipping my Cup of Fancy, (Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate), lighting my Evergreen Christmas Candle, and surrounding myself with my Bibles and journals, sets the stage for a good…
Colors: Turquoise gives rise to healthy emotions. Mermaid’s Tail…Turks and Caicos and Glacier Bay are all beautiful colors from SmartCoat to go along with today’s theme. Value of Concentration: Cling to the Lord. Memory Verse: God holds me throughout this day! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Emotions rise and fall, rise and fall! Isaiah 26:3 first taught me about keeping my mind constantly within your Holy Word. “He will be kept in perfect peace, whose mind is steadfast on thee.” Sipping my Cup Of Fancy,(Earl Grey hot tea) brings me into a special…