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Browsing Tag: funny


Growing a huge garden was second nature to me. So I thought. My dad always had a huge vegetable garden. We all participated in the planting, harvesting, and giving tons of its contents to friends and family. Back then, my mom wasn’t one to preserve food. She wasn’t one to can, and big family freezers were just becoming popular. I picked strawberries, corn, and tomatoes. I saw so much given away, and thought it rather odd that my parents didn’t feel it important to preserve and conserve. When I married Mr. Moo Cow, I was excited about…


As a young couple, who had just moved to the family farm, we needed a lot of Country TLC. The farm hadn’t been managed by family, in over 35 years. The pressure was on us to build the farm/dairy, rebuild the home, and build a life together. Being a young farmer, my husband needed a father figure, to somewhat guide him along the way. His father passed right after we married. I, in turn, needed the influence of a country mom. By the grace of God, the loving family across the road, fit the bill. Dale, Ruthie, and…


Twice in one week! Are you kidding me? Farmer Thomas….get a drift will Ya? LOLOL! I just loved it, when the black and white moo moos used to initiate all types of exercise for this farmwife/teacher. Farmer Thomas used to say, “I don’t want to teach you how to milk. If I did, I might expect you to engage in this festivity.” My answer was always a cute one.” I’ll milk, once you get busy in my classroom.” You guessed it ! I never milked. He never got involved in my profession. You’ve already been informed…


Kids on the farm lead a totally different lifestyle than other children. They have the freedom to create with nature.  However, with boys, creativity always takes on a different form. One summer afternoon, about 35 yrs. ago, my six and four year old sons were playing out in the rain. A heavy storm had come upon the farm and left tremendous puddles in which they were playing . It didn’t take long for me to figure out that they were rolling around in the puddles and throwing mud balls at one another. It’s a farm. All I did, was…


PUPPY MADNESS…I had to be out of my mind! Things on the Moo Cow farm are never dull. Something is always going on….someone always pulling in to talk with Farmer Thomas. Here’s our latest fiasco.   Nine years ago, my youngest son brought home a pup from his friend’s farm. Since then Appollo-nick name Polli- has been a rascal, but the joy of our lives. Needless to say, we have become lovers of Chocolate Labs. Once they get out of their puppy stage, and become potty trained, they are the best of pets. They are…