My Dear Sweet Granny and Mother taught my sister and I some valuable Lessons. These are the values they lived by: Love, Live, Laugh, Learn, and Leave a Legacy. Here is the first spotlight in this series. Throughout the ages, love has been the one and only thing that humans cannot live without. Valentines Day was over the top, as usual. My man gave me a card, and we went out to lunch. However, you want to know what my favorite time…
THE POWER OF PRAYER I Journal All Blessings Matt 14:23 And when He sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there. My best time to pray is when I’m alone in the car. Yes, I am a practicing Catholic. Yes, I attend the Vineyard with my friends. Yes, I am a born again Christian. …..AND……Yes, as my sweet Mama Ruthie instilled in me..MY JESUS HAS NO DENOMINATION! Many of you know my history. I have a deep devotion to The Blessed Mother…
WATCH GOD WORK HIS MIRACLES. America On The Edge Oh Israel…I will Bless Those who Bless You….I will Curse Those who Curse You! I believe in the Covenant that God has made with Israel. For those of you who follow me, you already know that I am a conservative Christian. God Bless Our President! The above scripture says it all! Due to the fact that our President moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, watch how Our God fulfills prophecy. Watch in great expectation for America to be blessed. The day the Embassy was opened, Pastor Jeffers stated the…
HE DELIGHTS IN ME? WHAT THE? WHO ME???? The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing. Psalm 73:23-26 Yet, I am always with you, you hold me by your right hand. You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward You will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but You? Earth has nothing I desire besides You? My flesh and heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart…
He Wanted Me to Know, ”IT WAS ME!” Suffering Creates Wisdom, Change, And Knowledge Colossians 1:29 Without God ,I can do nothing. To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me. 2 Corinthians 3:5 Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. *Everything that I write….. *Everything that I worked so hard to accomplish…….. Everything that I teach…… Everyone that I mentor…….. * Every year that I struggled to raise 3, strong Christian men along with my husband….…… *Every degree I’ve earned…
I AM A PRISONER! Live Worthy Of Your Calling. Eph .4:1-6 As a Prisoner for the Lord, then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle. Be patient bearing with one another. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit, through the bond of peace. There is One Body and One Spirit, just as you were called to One Hope.(One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God and Father of All, who is over all, and through all.) It’s hard to be gentle…
GOD IS GENTLE AND HOLDS US IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND. 2 Samuel 22:31 The Word of God is flawless. As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. GOD’S WORD’S TO ME:”I will never leave you. You will never shame me.” LOL! OH REALLY? THAT’S NOT WHAT SISTER MARY NOT SO BRIGHT pounded into me for 12 years. God’s Grace and freedom are so amazing. Too bad it didn’t soak in until I was 50…
DON’T MAKE MOUNTAINS OUTTA MOLEHILLS! Think Before You React. Isaiah 41: 13 For I am The Lord Your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, ”Do not fear, I will help you.” God taught me many years ago, that I’m a lot stronger than I think I am. Granny and Mom always insisted upon one thing, ”Don’t make mountains outta molehills!” Unfortunately, I had a family member with special needs, and over reaction was a huge problem. I made a positive choice and promise to myself, that I would try my best…
DWELL IN A SAFE PASTURE. I Don’t Own My Extended Family’s Problems… GOD DOES! Psalm37: 3-4 Trust in The Lord and do good. Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. God has created me to be a mentor..a teacher…a fixer of problems…. A cheer leader for those not knowing where to turn. LOLO!! However, there is a fine line between mentoring and sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong. There’s some issues in my extended family…
DO NOT LET YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED. Sean Hannity: Fox News Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong, take heart, and wait for the Lord. If you follow my blogging, you must know that I am a Christian Conservative. Fox News is the only network that doesn’t have the unhinged left attitude. Nightly, we watch Sean Hannity, whom is severely, hated by the left. In my 69 years, I have never seen such hate lashed out at a President, and fellow Christians. Believe it…if you are a true Christian, you are under attack. I believe that…
Spa Day at Mary’s Prov 17:17 A Friend loves at all times. ……….AND WE LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY! The Girlfriends were at it again! Oh my goodness! Did we have fun or what? Call it our second childhood, or call it whatever you like. We had so much fun on June 20! Along with all of our masks, make-up, nail polishes and footbaths, we each brought a salad. Mary ordered a pizza, made a dessert and provided drinks. After saying our blessing, and filling our tummies, we began to orchestrate the afternoon activities. Bella, who is Diane’s 15…
When a person begins new things, they often meet it with one of two things: fire or fear. The fire is the excitement and drive to meet challenges head on and the fear is that we aren’t going to do well. Currently, I am beginning new challenges and I have a fire to tackle them, which is good, except when I feel I’m not being heard or appreciated. Usually, though, it’s my own ego standing in the way. Can you imagine people who move to new states or even countries? They might have the…
Alix Louise……Oh How You Please.. Alix Louise Wells(Good)….What can I say? You will always be my favorite teacher and adopted daughter. As a 30-year educator, you can always pick out the student teachers, which will conquer the world, touch lives, and change the future of education. In the spring of 2010, two Urbana Univ. students were sent to me for a six, week field experience. The first one , I will name Diva. It’s no surprise that I can’t even remember her name. She was extremely self-absorbed, and continuously on her phone. The fact…
It was a Friday night, during Lent, in 2004. Both of our husbands were working, as usual. It was time for a Girlfriend Adventure. When your mothers of boys and wives of 2 workaholic men, Girlfriend Time is essential. Now before I begin my story, I must explain many meanings contained within this picture. Extravagant Grace and Fearless Faith ,are the names that God endowed to us, during our spiritual journey. She’s wearing Ladybug slippers because she is God’s precious One…like a Ladybug. That entire story will be explained within my book, The Erstwhile Acorn . That…