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Browsing Tag: #Elegant Swan


Colors: Blues represent trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence: Zinsser/Smartcoat Colors: Tidal Wave Blue/Clear Skies Blue/Elegant Swan White…to pop a neutral Value of Concentration: Why Me, Lord?  Why Me?  Why am I going through this? Memory Verse:  Jesus …my faith and trust in You…carries me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning, ABBA, I pray for myself, and some of us whom are struggling with health issues.  This morning for my Cup of Fancy, I have fixed myself a nice pot of Irish Breakfast Tea. My palette of blues reflect the…


Colors: Blacks-sin/Reds- blood of Christ/Blues- baptism/Whites-purity/Greens-growth in Christ/Gold-the glory of heaven. To go with today’s theme, I have picked the following colors from Zinsser Smartcoat: English Saddle, Heatwave, Tidal Wave, Elegant Swan, Happy Camper and last but not least, Hidden Treasures. *Suggestion: place this in a floral arrangement…or use these colors as a teaching tool for a class. Ex. Kids make a beaded bracelet using these colors. Value of Concentration: I am clothed in salvation. Memory Verse: I wear the garments of truth and righteousness. Good morning…


Colors: Zinsser Smartcoat/ Blacks-warriors-Oxford Tie/Reds-bloodshed-Red My Mind/ Neutrals to balance-Elegant Swan White Value of Concentration: I AM A WARRIOR Memory Verse: I put on the full Armor of God. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, In the midst of summer heat, You provided a gentle rain, to cool and refresh the air. As I sip my Cup of Fancy, coffee sounds great this morning, (Highlander Grogg Decaf…splash of cream). Sitting on my country porch…the blessings flow. My husband and I worked like Trojans for 45 years to build this farm for our…