Colors: Blues are the colors of heaven. Zinsser Smartcoat/Bayou Blue/Charleston Blue,/Glacier Bay…to pop a neutral. Value of Concentration: My name is written in The Lambs Book of Life. Memory Verse: Give me a glimpse of heaven, O Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I look out over this beautiful cold (10 degrees) December morning, I am preparing to spend my time writing, listening, and seeking your word. Sipping my Cup of Fancy, (Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate), lighting my Evergreen Christmas Candle, and surrounding myself with my Bibles and journals, sets the stage for a good…
Colors: Reds-the blood of Christ/Greens-the evergreen tree represents eternal life. Zinsser Smartcoat Colors /Red My Mind/Envy Green/Ramen pop a neutral. Oh the beauty of holiday décor! Value of Concentration: The Mystery of Faith Memory Verse: I Believe The Virgin Birth; Jesus..The Son of God. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, This morning, as I was sipping my Cup of Fancy, (Maple Bourbon Decaf..splash of cream), I was watching Dr. David Jeremiah. His movie entitled,” Why The Nativity,” was so touching. As a mother, now Gramma, I tried to remember…
Colors: Reds signify the indwelling of The Holy Spirit. Zinsser Smartcoat/Roasted Red Pepper/Strawberry Jam/Angelic to pop a neutral Value of Concentration: What am I lacking within my heart, mind, and soul? Memory verse: Give me the fullness of God. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As the Christmas Season is upon us, our hearts and minds turn to gift giving. As I sip my Cup of Fancy, (Peppermint, Mocha, Decaf), I praise You, for The Greatest Gift: your Son Jesus Christ. Growing up in my denomination, I was never good enough. I was never worthy. I…
Colors: Multi Colors from various palettes. Value of Concentration: And The Word Became Flesh, And Dwelt Among Us. Memory Verse: The Bible is The Living Word of God! Prepare The Way of The Lord! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, ABBA, the greatest gift …..John 3:16….For God so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten Son. So that he who believed in him, would have eternal life. As I sip my Cup of Fancy (Southern Pecan), You hold me in your sovereign arms. I am finally worthy. I have no fear of my salvation. As you…
Colors Shades of red and green; Red My Mind/Feeling Lucky Green/Bashful White Neutral Value of Concentration: O Bethlehem, you know me. Memory Verse: The earth cries out for Christ, Our Savior! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As the birth of Christ comes near, we cry out! Praise you, ABBA, for sending your son, Jesus, The Lamb of God. The color red symbolizes the blood of Christ. The color green symbolizes resurrection. We cry out in praise! He was born, performed 1000’s of miracles, not even documented, was crucified, rose from the dead, and ascended to the right…
Colors: Colors of wealth are silver, gold, and copper. Silver Fox/Hollandaise Gold/Mustard Seeds Value of Concentration: I am wealthy in Christ Jesus. Memory Verse: Riches of righteousness and wisdom pour over me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The Christmas Season is upon us. The mentioned colors sparkle and represent the arrival of the King of heaven and earth I am rich. I am the Daughter of the King. I am an heir to eternal life. My name is written in The Lamb’s Book of Life. I am justified by Grace, through Faith. It is a…