Color: Iris and Mauve- the colors represents Compassion and Dignity. Accent Color: Ghostwhite: This white has the slightest tint of purple or blue. It is somewhat of a neutral color with which to accent. It can represent divinity and purity. Value of Concentration: Compassion Memory Verse: The Spirit fills me with his love and compassion. Good Morning, Abba Father, What compassion you had upon a sinful, broken world! John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Your love and compassion…
Color: Sage Green-The color represents comfort and is soothing. Accent Color: Azure Blue: The color represents calm, peace, comfort and sincerity. Value of Concentration: Selfless or Sincere Memory Verse: Spirit, give me a “Selfless Love” for others. Good Morning, Abba Father, Sincerity-the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. Father, we live in a world that is filled with Hypocrisy; within politics, the workplace, and relationships with friends and spouses. Satan is having a feast day! He is so happy with the mess he is making in our world. As I go through my day, allow…
Color: Classic Manhatten (Shade of orange) Accent Color: Turkish Coffee (Shade of brown) Value of Concentration: The Nearness of Christ/Comfort. Memory Verse: Christ, breathe upon me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As the earth is dusted in a myriad of white, it sings of your artistic splendor. The ground is covered in mounds of sparkling, white snow. Ice glistens upon the trees, as the wind sweeps snow snakes upon the plains. You are near. Outside, the wonders of Your Presence reverberate within my soul. I am blessed to spend time with you this morning, as I drink my Cup of…
Color: Electric Blue-The color is associated with the feelings of peacefulness and tranquility. Accent Color: Salt White-The color is associated with being translucent, clarity, and purity. Value of Concentration: Comfort Memory Verse: The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want. Good Morning, Abba Father, There is no other verse within your Holy Word, that blesses me with Comfort, more than The 23rd Psalm.You are My Shepherd:*You guide me.*You protect me and keep me safe.*You love me.* You enfold me and gather me into your warmth and Comfort. As I concentrate on this verse…