Colors: Shades of Blue represent the Deaf Community and hearing one’s voice: Zinsser/Smartcoat/Cadet Blue/Bubble Bath Blue/Bliss White to pop a neutral. Value of Concentration: It is essential to recognize His Voice. Memory Verse: Allow my heart to hear your Holy Whispers. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The sun is peeking through the clouds, as I look out over the farm from my writing room. It’s cold outside today…like in the 20’s. However, my Cup of Fancy (Cinnamon Pecan Brownie), warms my body, soul, and spirit, as I begin to spend time with…
Colors: Representations of love: Red My Mind/Bordeaux/Frose Value of Concentration: He knows my heart. Memory Verse: My heart is yours, my ABBA. Good Morning ABBA, Father, Colors abound on the farm, and the surrounding country area. The leaves of red, yellow and orange, will soon be fading into a winter genre. This morning I am sipping my Cup Of Fancy: a pot of cinnamon spice tea. As Autumn is in full color, the aromas of pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, and baking spices fill the air. I am thrilled that I live in the area that has the four seasons…