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Browsing Tag: #becoming


Colors: Swedish Knit Silver..Crushed Velvet Gold….Chateau (a gold silver neutral). These are all SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: Come Holy Spirit Memory Verse: Enkindle in me the Fire of Your Love. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I feel a breath of spring this morning. With the heater on, I was permitted to go on my big, country porch, with my Cup of Fancy (Choc’pecan Coffee). It’s a heat wave! It’s actually going up to 58* today in Ohio. My memory verse today is from the prayer written by St. Francis. What does it actually mean; the…


Colors: Greys represent maturity…Powder Puff..Cheekey…Two shades of grey with tints of pink. Debonair… a bold pink/grey to pop the colors. These are all SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: Overcoming Pride..becoming mature. Memory Verse: Pride is fleeting in the presence of The Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Granny always said,”Pride cometh before the fall.” How right she was. I’ve seen it within the realm of my extended family, a few times…. and frequently within the political agenda. In this world of insanity, liberalism, and chaos, pride is running rampant. WOKE THIS! WOKE THAT…


Colors: Smart Coat..Hello Yellow..Hidden Treasures Gold..Buttermilk Neutral..The colors symbolize the holiness of God. Value of Concentration: Righteousness Memory Verse: Praise God: I am righteous through …FAITH ALONE! Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit typing and drinking my Cup of Fancy, I look out over the farm on a cold, February morn. My three dogs (Labs 2 choc/ 1 white)are outside running around the Mighty Burr Oak: playing peacefully and rolling around in the new fallen snow. They are fearless, knowing that they are loved and cared for. This is how you want my relationship…


Colors: Red My Mind and Regal Purple are both colors of power and royalty. Add Buttermilk Neutral and you have a wow of a color scheme! Value of Concentration: Call out to Him! Memory Verse: There is power in The Name of Jesus. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, There is a clear, frigid, blue sky this morning. The sun is rising and spreading rays of color, over the horizon. My 300 year old Burr Oak Tree is shaded in purple, as a monument to royalty. As the rays of sunlight shine behind it, The Tree of Life comes into view. I…


Colors: Heatwave Red. The color represents love and tenderness. Add a beige, neutral Cliffhanger and Smitten, a light, neutral; these colors tone and accentuate the bright red. Value of Concentration: Cling to Him. Memory Verse: Jesus, your arms are around me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It’s been snowing! The quiet and the peace on the farm….is incredible. At my age, I’m blessed that I have the luxury to sit at my desk, peruse the gift of Mother Nature, and spend time with you, as I write. My tree is lit, as well as my candles. My Cup…


Colors: Joy/bright yellow: represents frustration and losing one’s temper. Share the palette with the color Lemon Curd, and it will tone the brightness of the hue. Add a beautiful blue such as Waterfront (Smartcoat colors) to bring peace to the frustration. Value of Concentration: Frustration. Memory Verse: I breathe in your peace, as frustration flows from my spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I am cuddled up in my “War Room,” on my comfy couch. My candle is lit. My Cup of Fancy is on my end table. My Granny’s beautifully flowered teapot is filled to the brim…


Colors: Siesta Key Blue/Ibiza Blue. These are both SmartCoat colors and both represent hearing, speaking, and seeing things clearly. Add on Buttermilk as a neutral (another SmartCoat color). Value of Concentration: EPHATHA….BE OPENED to the fullness of The Holy Spirit… within mind, spirit and soul. Memory Verse: May my mind be opened to the will of The Holy Spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, A new year presses upon us. Isn’t it funny how you just had me type the word,”Presses?” With the chaotic world situation, it feels as if the weight of the world is placed…


Colors: Reds…for compassion/love, and the blood of Christ. Greens for peace and growth. Value of Concentration: He Collects My Tears. Memory Verse: The compassion of Christ dries my tears. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, A New Year will soon be upon us. As I sit with you in my,”Becoming Room,” (my space strictly allotted to spend time with You), I pray and wait in expectation. I anticipate all of the gifts and blessings this new year will bring. Since the day of my birth, you collected all of my tears. Praise God! I was born into a family…


Colors: Black is the color of protection and safety. Red is the color of blood. A shepherd would lay down his life for his sheep. Oxford Tie Black/Heatwave Red: pop it with a neutral to pull the colors together. Value of Concentration: He Is My Shepherd. Memory Verse: He restores my soul. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, On this cold, holiday morning, my Cup of Fancy is hot peppermint tea. I also love to suck on a candy cane, as I ingest my steaming delicacy. Yep, having taught Kindergarten for 30 years, I’m still a kid at heart. Having…


Colors: Color Therapy is a huge process. Reds are used to energize. Blues are used to reduce depression and pain. Greens are used to relieve stress and relax a person. Yellows are used to make a person happy. Oranges are used to create warmth, happiness, and stimulate mental health. Thus all of the multicolored lights that are used in Christmas Decor. Value of Concentration: Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God. Memory Verse: The Counsel of God guides me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The Hallelujah Chorus plays in my mind constantly, this time of year. In my teen years, I really listened…


Colors: Shades of green represent birth; Inchworm, Kale Chips, and Key Lime create a beautiful palette. These are SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: The Virgin Birth Memory Verse: Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, It is snowing outside this morning. I’m sipping on my Cup of Chocolate, Brownie, Cinnamon Coffee. Yum! It is totally placing me in the Holiday mood! I have been reading the four Gospels about the virgin birth. I am free! I am heaven bound! My name is written in The Lamb’s Book of Life. All of these gifts…


Colors: Shades of blue are used to treat illnesses and soothe pain. Tidal wave Blue is bold yet soothing, and accent with Clear Skies Blue. These are SmartCoat colors. Value of Concentration: Dealing With Pain/Healing Memory Verse: I BREATHE IN….the healing of The Holy Spirit. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, The Holiday season is officially upon us. As I cuddle up in my comfy chair with you, hot cocoa is the order of the day, for my Cup of Fancy. It is a season of joy, giving and healing. Many will be involved in festive activities. However, there are…


Colors: Heatwave Red and pop it with a neutral such as Cotton candy or Smitten. These are SmartCoat colors. Any color of red represents the love and passion of God. Value of Concentration: Live In The Moment….With Him Memory Verse: Your Presence Carries me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, On this cool November morn, as I am cuddled up with You, and my Cup of Fancy, I drink in your Holy Presence. What a blessing to know that you will never leave me nor forsake me! There have been so many times in my life, that I was going through…


Colors: Retro Vibes and Dreamsicle: These are SmartCoat colors. Retro Vibes is a shade of orange that can represent your strong love, or satisfaction of attaining the success through an orange flower arrangement. Dreamsicle is a vibrant color that conveys satisfaction, confidence and passion for life. Value of Concentration: Satisfaction Memory Verse: He Satisfies My Soul. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, Fall has taken ahold of my environment. As the leaves fall, I am always reminded of the Holiday Season soon to come, and the new life of spring to follow. As I review my life, there have been many trials…


Colors: Periwinkle in Time and Orchid Breeze – These are SmartCoat colors and are two gorgeous colors that represent the blue of tranquility and the warmth of blessing. Pop it with a neutral and you have an awesome décor combination. Value of Concentration: I Am Blessed. Memory Verse: I live in blessed expectation. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit with my Cup of Fancy, drinking in the warmth of my Irish Breakfast Tea, I praise You for all of the blessings that You have showered upon me within my lifetime. As I think of all of the hard…