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Browsing Tag: art


Paint Pictures In Your Mind and See your Future ARE YOU A BECOMER…..or are you mediocre? Not everyone needs a college degree. However, you need to learn a skill with which you can bless others. I was not raised with the following: “Let somebody else do it.” I was the Doer..the Becomer…the Leader. I had no clue in high school what I wanted to do. Neither of my parents were college graduates and had no clue how to inspire me. I was very artistic; therefore Art Education seemed to be the genre that I would follow. My…


            SPOTLIGHT 5 LEAVE A LEGACY              Granny’s  Corner Psalm 145:3-6  Great is The Lord, and most worthy of praise. His greatness nobody can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another.  They will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works.  They will tell of the power of your wonderful works, and I will proclaim…