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Browsing Tag: #2 Chron. 7:14


Color: Root Beer Barrels – dark gray/black)represents shielding or protection. Accent: Red My Mind – a snazzy red for passion to pop the black color. Twist the color with a Nottingham Grey for a neutral or use Bashful White. Value of Concentration: He Shields Me. Memory Verse: Shield me with your Love, Oh Lord. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As I sit with my Cup of Fancy, my 3 Lab puppies are at my feet. We sit on my big, country porch, as harvest ensues. My fur babies: Sadie and Petie (Chocolates), Bama-White; they are my shield. They…


Color: Pearl Light Blue-the color represents being cool, aloof, calm, serene, humble; Accent Color: Village Blue-Gray- any shade of gray is linked with neutrality, maturity, and protection. Value of Concentration: Humility Memory Verse: May I become truly humble in your eyes, Oh Lord. Good Morning, Abba Father, Now that thoughts of spring are coming to mind, the cool colors of humility help to melt the layers of snow piled high, during the winter months in Ohio. To add to the thought of is Ash Wednesday. It is the beginning of the Lenten/Passover Season for Judaeo…