Every time the weather forecast says that we are in for a huge snowstorm, I hear my youngest son’s words ringing in my ears! “Yes, Mom! Yes, Dad ! I know. I know. You’ve told all of us 100 times. It will never be as bad as the Blizzard of ’78. For those of you who lived through it, and survived, you know exactly where I’m coming from. It was Jan. 28,1978. Thank the Good Lord, I was a stay at home mom at that time. I had a 2 year old and was pregnant with the…
Sit in your comfy chair, rock along with me, and listen to The Spirit Who guides me. Tech era verses….true socialization… It’s called CONVERSATION WITH REAL PEOPLE! Yes, I am a Granny. I was born in 1949.I am a post war baby. I am 67.I have enough tech savvy to be getting this job done….with help! Do I like to take group pics with my friends? Absolutely! However, the Selfie- Generation is over the top. Tech has created a culture of drama, bullying, and less one on one, when it comes to building relationships. I…
SIT IN YOUR COMFY CHAIR…ROCK ALONG WITH ME….AND LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT WHO GUIDES ME. Remembering Granny Throughout the ages, love has been the one and only thing that humans cannot live without. Today is Valentines Day. My man gave me a card this morning, and we’ll go out on a simple date for lunch. However, you want to know what my favorite time is to spend with him? After dinner, the TV is on. He is either watching Fox News or reading . I’m either writing blogs, or deep into my historical novels. We are either…
It was a hot day in July. I was invited to my cousin’s condo pool for the afternoon. He and his wife (now his ex) were having an afternoon get together. I had an early morning eye doctor appointment, then planned to head to the condo. As I was leaving the doctor’s office, I spotted a pair of sunglasses. The turquoise sparkle was more than I could resist. I convinced myself that I was worthy of such a purchase, and headed towards the condo. Before I continue, I need to set up a scenario that will lead to…
Kids on the farm lead a totally different lifestyle than other children. They have the freedom to create with nature. However, with boys, creativity always takes on a different form. One summer afternoon, about 35 yrs. ago, my six and four year old sons were playing out in the rain. A heavy storm had come upon the farm and left tremendous puddles in which they were playing . It didn’t take long for me to figure out that they were rolling around in the puddles and throwing mud balls at one another. It’s a farm. All I did, was…
I am an artist. I began my teaching career as an Elementary art teacher. I still paint and create, as the whim strikes me. Color is a huge part of my life. It affects me in different ways. I am a winter person, when it comes to colors affecting my persona. Bright reds, blues, greens, and purples flavor my closet. I also have an exuberance for the pen…..go figure! I won a national writing award when I was a sophomore in high school. nothing big….just a small publication. As you all know, I had granny and mom who…
LOLOLOL!! I’m not kidding! This story represents the lil buggery things that eat away at us. Sometimes we just have to scream, get away from the situation at hand, or go and play with girlfriends. On occasion a small glass of wine and cheese, or chocolate will do, as well. For those who know me well, you realize the following: *I live on a farm. * The house was built in 1890. Over 45 years, it has had a beautiful restoration. However, it’s a farm. Mice find their way in, as the weather turns cold. Every year in the…
SIT IN YOUR COMFEY CHAIR AND ROCK ALONG WITH ME AND LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT WHO GUIDES ME…GRANNY 2Timothy 1:6-7 Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God, which is in you, through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. When God gives you an order, the only answer is, “Yes, Lord.” However..LOL… being somewhat OCD I ask ,”WHY ME? YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?”WOW! …. But…
YEEE!! HAAA! Farm Wife Alert! Susie marries Farmer Thomas. She thinks she is a farm wife because she lived on 15 acres, her dad had a garden, and raised a few beef cattle. Susie is clueless………………. I love animals. I was used to cattle, or so I thought. I fed a few and pet a few. So I thought that I was ready to jump in and help my dairy farmer husband. Not!! The first time he asked me to help him move a cow, I asked him, ”What should I do?” His answer, “Just stand there.” So I…
GOD CREATED A MONSTER ROCK ALONG WITH ME,SIT IN YOUR COMFEY CHAIR,AND LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT WHO GUIDES ME. Funny things happen when girlfriends get loose. This past Sat., I went to a Paint and Wine class, along with five of my best girlfriends. My Good buddy Diane was absent because she is a decorative artist and paints wooden eggs. She was up to her elbows in Santas. Having been an art teacher for 4 years ,as well as a decorative artist, I decided to go along with the gang who had never painted before. Needless to…
PUPPY MADNESS…I had to be out of my mind! Things on the Moo Cow farm are never dull. Something is always going on….someone always pulling in to talk with Farmer Thomas. Here’s our latest fiasco. Nine years ago, my youngest son brought home a pup from his friend’s farm. Since then Appollo-nick name Polli- has been a rascal, but the joy of our lives. Needless to say, we have become lovers of Chocolate Labs. Once they get out of their puppy stage, and become potty trained, they are the best of pets. They are…
FRIENDSHIP… ROCK ALONG WITH ME….REST IN YOUR COMFY CHAIR AND LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT WHO GUIDES ME….. Todays topic…..TRUE FRIENDSHIP The Book of Sirach Ch. 6:5-17 A kind mouth multiplies friends, and gracious lips prompt friendly greetings. Let your acquaintances be many, but one in a thousand your confidant. When you gain a friend, first test him, and be not too ready to trust him. For one sort of friend is a friend when it suits him, but he will not be with you in the time of distress. Another is a friend who becomes an…
I married Mr. Moo Cow on Aug 4th.1972. Yes, I fell in love with a man of deep faith, that I have been married to for 44 yrs. The TRUE LOVE OF MY LIFE! However…OMG! What an education I was in for…whatever experience you can’t change….will make you GROW. This 22 year old bride…recently graduated from Wilmington College, recently married….was in for a big surprise! As young women in love, we dream of a honeymoon…never had one.If you want to call it a honeymoon…
GRANNY’S WISDOM: Spiritual Wisdoms for Those Seeking the Fruits of The Holy Spirit Study the long generations past. The Book of Sirach (Catholic Bible) 6:34-37 Frequent the company of the elders: whoever is wise, stay close to him. Be eager to hear every discourse; let no wise saying escape you. If you see a man of prudence, seek him out; let your feet wear away his doorstep! Reflect on the precepts of the Lord. Let His commandments be your constant meditation. Then He will enlighten your mind, and the wisdom you desire, He will grant.  …
Born November 12,1949 in Cincinnati, Oh… Yes I am 67 and living life to its fullest! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens Me” Phil 4:13 After 12 years of Nuns, OMG! LOL!… God really helped me get over Catholic guilt. Received a BA from Wilmington College in 1972 Married Tom Cutler August 4, 1972 – Moved to the family farm which is now a Century Farm Read Musings from a Moo Cow Wife on here or on FB. You will learn how a young bride, who thought she was a country…