Why Sue Blogs Well, here I go! God has told me to put myself out there! I will reveal my story in sections with small bits and pieces. Whatever God does with this, is totally His job, not mine. I’m just being obedient. Twenty years ago I had a very defining conversation with Col. Grandpa. While standing under our 400 year old Burr Oak tree in our barn lot I told him, ”Someday, this tree is going to tell a story.” He answered, “Honey, for what it’s worth, entitle it The Erstwhile Acorn.” The following is the preface…
A cheerful heart has a continual feast. Proverbs 15:15 Laughter. What makes you laugh? Is it a joke, a comedian, maybe a story? During the holidays, my sister Linda and I had the privilege of sharing in a moment of laughter that still makes me giggle and grin almost two months later! We decided to do some baking this holiday. Now, when we were growing up, my mother baked so many dozens of cookies that it filled cans and jars that were stacked on the pantry shelves and lasted until mid-January! So, I decided this was the year…
Scripture James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously without finding fault, and it will be given to him. My sister and I have come up with 5 things that reflect the lives and philosophies of our Mother and Grandmother. We call them “ The Granny’s 5 L’s:” Love, Live, Learn, Laugh, and Leave a Legacy. LOVE The scripture in the box says it all: ”Love is patient. Love is kind etc.” Another scripture that really hits close to home is from Proverbs: A friend loves at all times.” I could…
Therefore be imitators of God…and walk in love. Ephesians 5:1-2 So, have you ever had someone get under your skin so badly you just wanted to scream?! Well, let me tell you, I have had this quite a bit in the past year. Just because I am saved by the blood of Christ doesn’t make me immune to the torments of Satan; if anything it makes it worse. So let me tell you about the torment he has been prodding me with lately. There is a young woman, I will not name names, who…
Truly alive at 50 Romans3:22-24 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace, through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ.” As my thoughts meander along the path of my spiritual journey, I look back and I have to laugh. The little girl, who was raised with religion and legalism, no longer exists. Twelve years of nuns in the 50’s-60’s, placed a lot of unnecessary stress…
Everything God does will remain forever; there is nothing to add to it and nothing to take from it. Ecclesiastes 3:14 Friendship. There is so much to be said for this wonderful institution God created. I have had friends over the years, they have come and gone, some have stayed true and close, and some have fallen away. Some, have remained quiet through the years, still there, just not ‘up close and personal’ because life sometimes gets in the way. One such friendship, is my friendship with Susie Q: a.k.a.-Susie Cutler. Susie and I…
Therefore be imitators of God…and walk in love.. Ephesians 5:1-2 Recently, my family had the honor to help my sister and her husband celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. What an honor to be able to help celebrate such a momentous event! They are high school sweethearts who married right out of high school. Like anyone else, they faced problems and hardships in life. One of the greatest was losing their two young sons at early ages to an inherited disease. This loving couple, followers of Christ and believers in the Gospel, experienced one of the greatest…
Deuteronomy 28:1-2 If you fully obey The Lord your God, and follow all of His commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. All these blessings will come upon you, and accompany you, if you obey The Lord your God. MY GOD HAS SUCH A SENSE OF HUMOR! If anyone told me a few years ago, that I would be building a Devotional Blog entitled ”Entrusted Wisdom,” I would have laughed in their face. When a General gives you a command, the only answer you can…
Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them. Romans 4:7-8 JOY-emotion evoked by well-being, success or good fortune; gladness or delight What does Joy look like in your life? Do you define it as a happy and giddy feeling? Is it the ‘warm fuzzies’ you feel on your arms when something pleasant happens? King David had so much sin, but he called it joy when God forgave him of those sins. We need only acknowledge our guilt, admit…
Psalm 119:35-40 Direct me in the paths of your command, for there I find delight. Turn my head toward your statutes, and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things. Preserve my life according to your word. Credit cards can become a nuisance. My man and I try our best not to use them, unless it’s a necessity. God knew exactly what He was doing when I married Mr. Moo Cow. Being married to the simple farmer for 45 years totally changed my paradigm. Trust me, we worked hard to build a beautiful…
Hi to my Special friends who follow my blog. As of today……. God has opened a bigger door for me. You can find me, and my dear friend of 35 years, Sandra, together here on this website. God has entrusted both of us to become Christian Bloggers/Authors. I will still be THE ERSTWHILE ACORN. However, we are going to proceed in building a devotional entitled …ENTRUSTED WISDOM……For those seeking a Fearless Faith and Entrusted Wisdom through the Holy Spirit. For those of you who have been following me closely, you know my story. When God entrusts you with…
CALMS THROUGH THE PSALMS WEEK 8 FATHER…..There were times when my very wise Granny would say, ”Show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are! Father, I praise you first for my beloved husband of 45 years, and our beloved sons. Lord, they are all men of faith, and I am so blessed. I also praise for my Dear Friends. My group of girlfriends, and my friends at church bless me in so many ways. I praise you for J, my college roomie. We would never have made it through all of our youthful drama…
Grandpa Charlie Laible: It’s not about the tree. It’s about who’s gathered around it! Santa with the grandsons and their preschool program, shopping, baking, :You name it! Gramma is all about Christmas. However, I miss my mom so much, this time of year. Thirty years ago this was the order of Thanksgiving weekend. We’d have dinner with Tom’s family at noon. Since Mr. Moo Cow had the dairy to care for, the kids and I headed to Cincy. We had dinner with my family at 5p.m. Then on Friday, Mom and I would…
CALMS THROUGH THE PSALMS WEEK 7 FATHER, There is no doubt that we are in the last days. All of the wickedness, lovers of self, disobedient youth, evil media, families torn apart; it all boggles my mind! I’m a post war baby. I’m a child of the 50’s-60’s. I’ve never seen so much evil and trash on TV. I was a teacher in the public school system for 30 years. When I was a child, there was good, Christian parenting. A parent or child would never question a teacher. Administrators are run by the…
Talk about giving the glory to God!!!!! My Friend Eva… I can’t tell you what an amazing woman she has become. I met Eva 40 years ago, when I had her son in preschool. She was an amazingly, beautiful woman, who seemed to have everything together. She was married with 2 kids and was a registered nurse. I had asked her if she wanted to come into our classroom and do a program about health. She revealed to me that she wasn’t doing well. Having become a strong survivor of post-partum depression, I picked up on her…