DO NOY BE CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD, BUT BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND. ROANS 12:2 Change. What does it look like? We talk about change in so many different ways in our lives; we change clothes, hair color, diapers, etc. But what does it look like to change in God’s eyes? When we come to God the Father we are quite often ‘dirty’ and frankly broken. Dirty because we are covered by sin and broken because all of man is sinful and so that immediately makes us broken. Some of mankind doesn…
Psalm 119:66-68… Teach me knowledge and good judgement. For I believe in your commands. Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now I obey your word. You are good and what you do is good; teach me your decrees. 71-72 It was good for me to be afflicted, so that I might learn your decrees. The law of your mouth is more precious to me than silver or gold. AFFLICTION IS HELL! We’ve all lived it. Trust me my friends in my 68 years, I have been through a lot. Three times within my life…
Let all who take refuge in you be glad. Psalm 5:11 Busyness. Such a scary word. We all find ourselves there at some point, where everything we touch and attempt gets us farther behind. I have so much going on in life right now! A new job, a new blog page we are working on, and my family! I love everything and this month I am going to begin sharing with all of you about me! Growing up, becoming a Christian, finding myself in the ‘dumps’, living with a husband who was a wreck, becoming widowed, and…
Weigh Down Workshop with Gracie. On Sept. 28, 1998 I went with Gracie to Columbus Vineyard to attend a Weigh Down Workshop. I had attended a few services prior to this event, and was very fulfilled with its format. Therefore, I was going with great expectations. There were a series of three classes that year. I didn’t lose a lot of weight. However, I lost a ton of baggage. One eve in November, during the last class, we had a Blessing Night. During this event, attending members call upon The Holy Spirit to speak blessings upon one another. As…
As previously revealed, My Granny and mother both had “The Gift of God’s Wisdom.” Oh, you bet they were human, and had their faults; however, they were wise in the spirit. For years, as I rebuilt my life, I prayed for the Gift of Wisdom. The summer of 2000, I began boldly to digest Psalms and Proverbs. I’d sit on my big country porch and read, study, write, and respond. A rather comical incident occurred, once I began my inhalation of The Word. In my dreams, I kept hearing and seeing the words, ”tree of life.” This same…
I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. Philippians 4:11 I am going back to this scripture today because God is requiring it of me. I have been a homemaker for a year; I left a full-time job in February of 2017 because I was miserable! My health was beginning to take a nose dive due to my lack of taking good care of myself. My mental capacity was wearing thin and my nerves-well let’s describe them as frayed! I was just a train wreck! So, I quit and stayed home…
PS.107:1 Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever. WANNA MAKE YOUR CUP HALF FULL? Everyday, as I do my devotions, I write down something that I’m thankful for. A Gratitude Journal is an amazing tool. Blessings occur daily, when you are a tune to recognizing them. Sometimes they are mammoth: 46 years married to a loving, Christian man. Oh, we’ve had our issues maturing together. However, he is still my greatest blessing, along with our 3 sons, daughter-in-law, and grandsons. Often when we recognize our blessings, they are…
If you have faith as small as a mustard seed Matthew 17:20 Faith-reliance, loyalty, complete trust in God or someone else Faith….I really love this word because it is so interchangeable with trust. The Bible describes the faith of a child as being great. Have you ever watched a young infant, toddler, or preschooler? They will have complete trust in a person during their very early, formative years. They believe the adult when they are told something; they don’t start to ask ‘why’ until they are much closer to age four or…
Proverbs 1:33 But whoever listens to me, lives in safety, and be at ease without fear or harm. 2Timothy1:7 For God has not given us the Spirit of fear, but of love, sound judgment, and a sound mind. The Theme Song from Bonanza Every time I hear the theme song from Bonanza, it takes me back. At 10 years of age going to Granny’s in Ft. Thomas, Ky. was my happy place. Being an artist, I love the paintings that come on the screen as the credits roll. It brings back feelings that only came around when…
For God so loved the world He gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Those words strike an amazing chord deep down within my being. This week, the world lost an amazing human being. A man who humbled himself and served the Lord in towns, villages, and countries around the world. A man who counseled presidents and heads of state. A man who was also so human, that when offered anything at all before doing a t.v. scene, he asked for a hamburger! This individual left his…
Weigh Down Workshop with Gracie. On Sept. 28, 1998 I went with Gracie to Columbus Vineyard to attend a Weigh Down Workshop. I had attended a few services prior to this event, and was very fulfilled with its format. Therefore, I was going with great expectations. There were a series of three classes that year. I didn’t lose a lot of weight. However, I lost a ton of baggage! One evening in November, during the last class, we had a ‘Blessing Night’. During this event, attending members call upon The Holy Spirit to speak blessings upon one…
I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. Philippians 4:11 Meditate- to contemplate, to think deeply about and meditate on his law day and night So… complete contentment. That is what happens when we become Christians, right? Wrong!!!! We still have conflict-sometimes we have more because Satan loves to throw things at us to cause us to be discontent. Plus, we have anger issues, moral issues, and so on and so on!!!! Why you ask? Because we are human!!!! God doesn’t promise us an easy life when we accept Christ, instead…
Romans 8:12 Therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ; because through the law of the Spirit of Life, I was set free from the law of sin and death. Catholic Guilt Was a Real Deal I’m 68 years young; however, I truly didn’t get the meaning of Grace until I was 50 years old. Praise God, my mother taught me at a young age that Jesus paid the price in full for all my sins. “Right before Jesus died on the cross, He cried out, ‘It is finished!’ It’s the truth…
Let those also who suffer….entrust their souls to a faithful creator…. 1 Peter 4:19 What does Fort Knox look like? Have you ever wondered about it? Personally, I never gave it much thought. I have, however, been fascinated with older banks that have the fancy woodwork, windows, seats, and vaults. They look so official and ‘safe’. As a child, I remember going with my parents to the bank to make deposits or conduct whatever banking business they had. It was usually a very quiet place, almost like a library; and people were waiting in…
Author: Sandra Sanders I will cry to God Most High, to God who accomplishes all things for me. Psalm 57:2 Sometimes, our bodies go into hibernation, just like the mighty tree in winter. We don’t feel as if we are growing, blossoming, or flourishing. We cry and feel down. Depression can set in and that brings us down even further. How does a person get past this? What does he/she do and where does he/she turn? I reflect on the scripture above; I cry out to God for help and encouragement. But, sometimes when the…