Hossana to the King

Hosanna, a noun which means praise and adoration. It is what the people cried out when Jesus rode into Jerusalem. They were so excited and praising whom they called the King. Palm Sunday, as we refer to it, was remembered by many this weekend and this in preparation for holy week. Palm Sunday  brought praises and celebrating and the end of the week brought accusations, condemnation, suffering, denials and death.  As we go into this week,  let us reflect upon the meaning and significance of the cross. Dear God, please stay close to all of us this week. Walk with…

SPOTLIGHT 3: Why Sue Blogs

WOMEN OF FAITH IN CINCY..JAN ’999 The Weigh Down Group decided to attend The Women of Faith Convention in Cincinnati. I was honored, due to the fact that the first convention I attended was in my hometown. I took a Friday off and we headed to the Queen City. We attended a smaller pre-conference the day before the convention. The speaker was Becky Terribassi. The format of her presentation revolved around her book entitled, ”Change Your Life.” The premise of the book was how to change your mind/life by reading The Word an hour per day. As…


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13 Whew! That’s such an awesome word I’ll say it again, whew! I am realizing, more and more, I am not a kid anymore, or even a young adult! I have begun this job and it is kicking my ‘butt’ in some ways. There is so much information to learn and even language to familiarize myself with. Yet, I love it! I have had several instances where I am so happy to help others. It isn’t just filling scripts it…


Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 There is a time for everything, and a season for every purpose unto heaven etc. HELP LORD! SHOW ME WHAT TO DO! There’s been so many times that God has answered me, but in His time, not mine. Remember, God has a huge sense of humor. Sometimes he takes years to answer. Other times it’s within 15 minutes. *May 1968-no cell phones- I got on the wrong city bus. I was panicking. How would I get to hook up with my sister 5 mi away? “Lord show me the way!” I prayed. I…

God Defines Me.

One week after The Women of Faith Convention, I got an amazing phone call from Linda Grace. “I have a scripture that I’m supposed to give you. Habakkuk 1:5 Look at the nations and watch, and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told. Hab 2: 2-3 Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets, so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false…


I’M LOOK’N  AT YOU KID Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. As Christians, we are taught to seek God and ask for His help. I realized at a very young age, that without God, I am nothing. For those of you who are materialistic, you don’t know what you’re missing. God can bless us with relationships, children, homes, careers, finances. However, when He gives me little snippets from heaven…..God things that I can’t explain in the physical realm……. I know He’s…


HAPPY ST. PADDY’S DAY Numbers 6:24-26 May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His Face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord turn His Face toward you and give you peace. My former pastor and friend Father Pat, is the epitome of a jovial leprechaun. How we miss him. His smile and hearty laugh could fill up a room, with light and joy. As we celebrate St. Paddy’s Day, I wish to share with you his favorite Irish blessing, that he would say after every mass…

The Second Blessing Night at Vineyard Columbus

SPOTLIGHT 4 WHY SUE BLOGS The Second Blessing Night at Vineyard Columbus From Jan. of 99 until the end of Feb., we attended the second session of Weigh Down Workshop. Again, the Blessing Night was greatly anticipated. Trust me friends, it did not prove to fail! What was spoken over me was the following: *I am one whose heart truly seeks God. *I have a heart of gold. *The woman spoke this scripture over me. *Isaiah58:11-12 The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your need in a sun- scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You…

Lord bring me peace

  I can do all things, through him who gives me strength Phillipians 4:13   Today, I began a new career for real! I am a pharmacy tech and wow (!) I am not young anymore! There is so much information to learn and remember!! I pray, Father, that you will walk this new path with me. You brought me to this new job so I am trusting you to walk with me through it! Stay tuned as I explore this new path God has out me on. I know he is with me! Thank you God for the strength…


Thanks for building my character, Mom. Galatians 5:22 For the Fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. I praise God that I was the daughter of Ruth Laible Ortlieb! Love you, Mam. Please send me some snippits from heaven. You’ve been there for 24 years…..but who’s counting? Me! Lord how I miss you! Tears are flowing as I write. My faith, my Christian nature, come from you, and Granny. You planted the acorn and taught me to be erstwhile. However, as His Spirit grew in me, He taught me to…


HEBREWS 3:13 Therefore, encourage one another as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Having taught Kindergarten for 26 years, I had a lot of experience with encouraging 5 year olds how to get along. It was a constant battle forming their characters to be righteous. However, my husband and I both worked diligently to raise our sons as men of faith and character. All 3 of them, like their father, have a significant work ethic. My son and his wife are amazing parents to 5 year, old…

God anywhere and everywhere

Beloved, let us love one another 1 John 4:7   Today I witnessed something, that by it’s very simplicity, took my breath away and made me pause. As I was walking through the grocery store I noticed two women standing facing each other, I believed them to be talking. As I got closer however I realized they were holding hands, their heads were bowed and they were praying. Right there in front of the butter and cheese! Right there in the middle of an isle-in the open. In front of everyone! They weren’t  being…


Being a mother of 3 sons, I had often longed for a daughter. As a Kindergarten Teacher in the Jonathan Alder Schools, I often bonded with certain families. Well, God answered my prayer. My former student and now high school sophomore, Skye Bissell, is the daughter that I always prayed for. We have kept in close contact throughout the years. Trust me. Someday, Skye will publish her own teen devotional. Please, welcome my God-Daughter Skye Bissell as this week’s Spotlight Writer. TAKE OFF YOUR CROWNS DRAMA QUEENS MY TAKE By Skye Bissell Being a 16-year-old girl…


Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7   I have several thoughts swirling around my head on this topic today; washing machines, mops and sin/change. As I was cleaning today, I was doing an ordinary thing-preparing a bucket of water to mop. I rinsed the mop-because it seems there is always a little dirty water left when I finish the previous time, and filled the bucket with hot soapy water. I proceeded to mop my living room floors. Now, this is a job…


Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, so you may discern what is good, pleasing, and the perfect will of God. I was not a typical teenager. I was a lot stronger than many girls my age, and the youngest of 4 siblings. In the first grade, I could do every dance and sang every song from Dick Clark’s American Bandstand. As my older siblings had parties and friends over, there I was in the midst of all of the activities. I also realized at a…