MAY 11

Color: Iris and Mauve- the colors represents Compassion and Dignity. Accent Color: Ghostwhite: This white has the slightest tint of purple or blue.  It is somewhat of a neutral color with which to accent.  It can represent divinity and purity.  Value of Concentration: Compassion Memory Verse: The Spirit fills me with his love and compassion. Good Morning, Abba Father, What compassion you had upon a sinful, broken world! John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Your love and compassion…


Color: Sage Green-The color represents comfort and is soothing. Accent Color: Azure Blue: The color represents calm, peace, comfort and sincerity. Value of Concentration: Selfless or Sincere Memory Verse: Spirit, give me a “Selfless Love” for others. Good Morning, Abba Father, Sincerity-the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. Father, we live in a world that is filled with Hypocrisy; within politics, the workplace, and relationships with friends and spouses. Satan is having a feast day! He is so happy with the mess he is making in our world. As I go through my day, allow…


The Colors: Surround yourself with colors that make you happy! Lemon Yellow: Any shade of yellow represents quick, clear, positive thinking. Lemon yellow is a softer shade thatrepresents ease. Cornflower Blue: This color is a country blue, that will suffice as a secondary color. You could wear a lemon yellow outfit and pop it with the blue accents, or reverse it. Within the home: Yellow roses with blue cornflowers make a gorgeous flower arrangement with some greenery. Word of Value: Creativity Memory Verse: My Creative Juices flow, as I walk in The Spirit. Good Morning Abba Father, The Creator of…


Color: Fern Green-The color symbolizes a new beginning, and hope for future generations. Accent Color: Gold- The color symbolizes wealth, Kingship, and Veneration of the Divine. Value of Concentration: Tree of Life Memory Verse: Wisdom is a Tree of Life to those who embrace her. Good Morning, Abba Father, Years ago, you brought me to the Book of Proverbs. I read, I studied, and you gave me Wisdom. I, in my flesh, could never be authoring. It is you, Father who commanded me and guided me to accomplish your will for my life. It is The Holy Spirit who…


Color: Apricot-The color symbolizes energy, cheerfulness, activity, fire, and warmth Accent Color: Lime Green-the color symbolizes nature, confidence, feelings of high energy, freshness, and creativity. If you partner it with the color Apricot, you may want to use a lighter shade. Value of Concentration: Becoming/BEGINNING A NEW PHASE IN LIFE Memory Verse: I am a “Becomer” through Jesus Christ. Good Morning, Abba Father, The Easter Season is upon us. Next to Christmas, it is my favorite Holy Day…the day of Christ’s Resurrection. Praise you Father, Each day can be a new beginning in our lives…


Color: Plum-The color represents awareness, self-reflection, inspiration Accent Color-Coconut White-A nurturing substance of white. Value of Concentration: Promise Memory Verse: The Promises of God fill my mind with peace. Good Morning, Abba Father, There are many promises within your Holy Word. Many have been fulfilled, and more are yet to come. Throughout my study, The Book of Psalms has really held my heart. Between Chapter 119-124 there are 13 promises. Each time I turn to Psalms, you bless me with your favor. Your promise and encouragement carry me through my trials and tribulations. There are…


Color: Daffodil-represents happiness, optimism, certainty. Accent Color: Peach-represents innocence, modesty Value of Concentration: Certainty Memory Verse: With certainty, my resurrection awaits me. Good Morning, Abba Father, It is Spring! I am certain the weather will soon be warming, and color will be exploding everywhere. How blessed I am of the Certainty of your promises. The color Daffodil represents certainty and optimism. The color Peach can represent innocence and modesty. In our innocence, we certainly believe:*Jesus was born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary.*Jesus Christ is the Son of God.*Jesus died on the cross, Jesus shed…


Color: Deep Purple-represents a soldier, bravery; combination of Army green, Coast guard blue, Marine red,and Navy blue. Accent Color: Metallic Silver-represents valor and honor. Value of Concentration: Being a Watchman..a Soldier of Christ Memory Verse: The earth moans, and my spirit watches for the return of Christ. Good Morning, Abba Father, I yearn so much for the return of your Son, Jesus Christ. Yes, I boldly profess that I AM A SOLDIER FOR JESUS CHRIST. LOL! It does not surprise me as I write, you speak to me. “You were anointed with the color purple years…


Color: Spring Green- represents the maturation and rebirth after a struggle. It looks forward to a bright future. Accent Color: Pale shade of Lavender- represents kingship, holiness, righteousness. Value of Concentration: Struggle Memory Verse: Lord, I’m struggling. Wash me with your peace. Good Morning Abba Father, At 72 years old..”Nobody knows, the struggles I’ve seen. Nobody knows, but Jesus!” No words have ever rung more soundly. BUT GOD! BUT MY MIGHTY GOD! My childhood..the fear, the worry, from a mentally ill father: But YOU WERE THERE. My darkness of depression, after the birth of my second…


Color: Pearl Light Blue-the color represents being cool, aloof, calm, serene, humble; Accent Color: Village Blue-Gray- any shade of gray is linked with neutrality, maturity, and protection. Value of Concentration: Humility Memory Verse: May I become truly humble in your eyes, Oh Lord. Good Morning, Abba Father, Now that thoughts of spring are coming to mind, the cool colors of humility help to melt the layers of snow piled high, during the winter months in Ohio. To add to the thought of is Ash Wednesday. It is the beginning of the Lenten/Passover Season for Judaeo…


Colors: Electric Purple- the color represents royalty, quality of character, and a quality of being distinguished. It is a mixture of red, blue, and green. Accent Color: French Rose-has a lilt of spirituality and represents peace, love, and femininity. Value of Concentration: To Distinguish Memory Verse: Lord, help me to distinguish your will, for this day. Good Morning, Abba Father, I’m getting bored with winter, and I need something yummy, to bite into; I need chocolate. As the scripture below represents, solid food for the mature is “The Word of God.”How empty my life was, Lord, before…


Colors: Lilac- The color represents self-reflection and awareness. Charcoal Gray-This color is linked with maturation. Powder white-represents purity and fulfillment. Value of Concentration: Neediness Memory Verse: My God fills the holes within my heart. Good Morning, Abba Father, As I seek you in the morning, I hunger and thirst for you. Your word is a lamp unto my feet. You fill my spirit withmanna from heaven. You fill the cold whispering wind with the following:*You are loved.*You are worthy.*You are the beautiful daughter of the King. As a young woman, I had so many…


Color: Classic Manhatten (Shade of orange) Accent Color: Turkish Coffee (Shade of brown) Value of Concentration: The Nearness of Christ/Comfort. Memory Verse: Christ, breathe upon me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, As the earth is dusted in a myriad of white, it sings of your artistic splendor. The ground is covered in mounds of sparkling, white snow. Ice glistens upon the trees, as the wind sweeps snow snakes upon the plains. You are near. Outside, the wonders of Your Presence reverberate within my soul. I am blessed to spend time with you this morning, as I drink my Cup of…


Colors: Acai Purple/Mardi Gras/Lavender Value of Concentration: His strength and power show themselves most effective in my weakness. Memory Verse: His strength empowers me. Good Morning, ABBA, Father, I am tucked up this icy Feb. morn with an ice pack: I’ve had a knee replacement. I need to be empowered to work through these exercises. However you are with me. You will not leave me nor forsake me. My Cup of Fancy is Dark Magic Decaf Coffee/Green Mountain. It’s dark warmth imbibes me with your essence. As I drink, I am inhaling the goodness, warmth…


Color: Tangerine-the color represents, happiness, adventure, releasing inhibitions Accent: Sea Foam Green-safety, stability Value of Concentration: Hidden Treasure Memory Verse: Your words are my hidden treasure, Oh Lord. Good Morning Abba Father, Here I am, just You and me, cuddled up on the couch with my Cup of Fancy. Many people have asked me what that exactly means. As I drink in my Cup of Fancy, I imbibe the many hidden treasures that you pour into my mind and spirit. I sip in Your Holy Word, and it warms my soul with delightful aromas of heaven. Years ago…