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Category: Devotionals by Sandy Sanders

SPRING is springing!

I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Phillipians 4:13 When faced with dark dreary winter days, I often repeat that scripture a Lot! I know I can make it through because God is going to see me through! So, just like always, a little warm sunshine, rain drops, and BOOM -the evidence of spring is all around! Birds, flowers, new shoots on trees…it’s amazing and wonderful! Thank You God for the promise of spring. And, the promise to see us through our dark days. Amen Sandra Sanders boundless trust…


For God so loved the world… Isn’t that awesome? He gave…. Again..awesome! His only begotten son. Yep…awesome!! Why so much “awesome”? Because that’s the only way to describe it! God giving us something so very precious and special, a child, His son..His ONLY son! And not just a child to come and live and hang out for a while before returning to the father; a child who was going to give up his own life so we might have eternity! That isn’t something to take lightly…

The future….

Many people have heard the saying, “I wish I had a crystal ball”, ” I wish I knew what the future held”, “if only I had known then what I know now”, and so on. Truth is; we don’t want to know into the future. That just isn’t God’s plan. Can you imagine your stress if you knew you were going to suffer an illness, a job loss, a marriage crisis, any crisis! God has purposely designed life to happen in sequence, without any previews. He shields us from…

God’s timing…not mine

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Phillipians 4:13 My favorite verse, crutch, handle, grab bar….whatever you want to call it. I lean on and rely on this verse very heavily! Some of you know I grew up in a dysfunctional family; I never heard the words “I love you” come out of my parents-directed to me or each other! Not something said to my siblings, by my parents or each other. It is very peculiar and startling to hear them use this phrase toward me now. My oldest…

Warning…bizarre behavior ahead

Have you ever seen someone in public and you think to yourself, ‘what in the world were they thinking?!’ I am often in the grocery when that crosses my mind. Several times in the past week I have seen those out in shorts. Now, the weather here in Ohio has been COLD the last week! Not shorts weather! But here they are, enjoying (?) the breeze. Brrrr!! I don’t like to be hot but I’m not sure I want to be frozen, either. Have you ever found yourself in a situation that you were not…

Today is a new day

Each day is a new beginning. When we wake in the morning, God is giving us the opportunity to make choices about things that will affect not only us but also those around us.  As I write,  I am sitting in a quiet home nursery watching a newborn sleep. He’s a little over 1 week old and just as precious as can be! Who is this? He’s my new job, my new responsibility. More than that, he’s my new joy and enrichment. Each day I am reminded how much God blesses me…

Blessings arrive in snowflakes

God..Strength…Wisdom…Grace Words to keep etched within my being. Those three words after God are powerful! Those are given to us by Him and we realize it during winter months. Snow is cold, wet, and humbling. Why? Because it can be beautiful as it blankets the world. Neighborhoods become quiet and hushed-especially at night during snowfall. There is such a calm beauty everywhere. Then, during the morning rush hour, oh how humbling! Snow wreaks havoc on roadways and the same streets that were just ‘beautiful’ are now messy and sometimes problematic! Accidents occur…

Pleasing others

Ephesians 5:10 “and find out what pleases the Lord” Tonight, I picked up my phone and wondered what I was supposed to post about. Immediately, Ephesians 5:10 popped into my brain. I had to look the verse up; I had no idea what it was! Clearly, God wants me to pursue this one! I am again coming to a crossroads and I must turn to, and rely heavily upon, the Father for guidance. In that moment I realized how impatient I am! Not that God won’t take care of things, but that it isn…


God has given me so many riches, but not in the form of money, wealth or objects. Instead, he has given riches in people! I have so many in my life! Acquaintances, co-workers, employees, employers, friends and family. Along with all of these riches comes opportunity! Opportunity to live, laugh, Love, argue, fight, curse, and cry! Because the opportunity arises for these things we quickly learn that forgiveness must be part of our everyday life! Without it, bitterness sets in and replaces love and joy with anger and scars soon block our hearts ability to beat properly. When God…

Company’s coming

Recently, my family I work for was preparing for the grandparents to visit. They cleaned the guest space, put away extra stuff, sorted old papers, got out the guest towels, pillows, etc. I noticed that there was a current running throughout; we have to get this done, it has to look nice, we have to impress! Isn’t that what each of us does at times, we “dress to impress”. We put on our smiles, we take a deep breath, and we make those around us feel we are calm, cool and collected. Inside….whole different…

Time, moments, and tears

With God all things are possible… Today, this very morning, is a new beginning-again. New beginnings will usually bring pain, tears, fear, and eventually some joy. Today, Lord, I give this day to you. It is all about you and I am not the focus. When people look at me, I pray they see Jesus! Walk with me, speak through me, and love as only you would love! Amen Sandra Sanders boundless trust…

Moments in time

I CAN do all things through Christ… I know you’ve read that from me before. I am in a slump right now; emotionally, physically, but especially spiritually! I feel drained, totally empty, and without the “gumption” to fill back up. I was off my ‘nut’ medicine for a few days and that hasnt helped, but I feel lost and without purpose. I know God has this, I never doubt that, but my body is tired and in pain much of the time. I am getting older but seriously?! 55 shouldn’t mean…