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Why is this happening?!

As my first husband and I ‘waded’ through the first couple years of our relationship, I did everything I thought was “good” and ‘right’ to make him happy. It was my main goal to be the best I could be and that would make him happy. Trouble with that logic, I lost me in the mix and became miserable! I was still longing to hear the words, ‘I love you’, and he was not willing to put those in conversation except when he was drunk. Again, naive girl I  was, I  thought…

Constant protection

Beloved, let us love one another 1 John 4:7 Once upon a time…. The words used to begin many fairytales. The stories told to me during my childhood and those of my friends and family. The ending was usually the same, “lived happily ever after”. Real life, is not usually that way. We face ups and downs, hurt and heartache, pain and suffering. Through all of these things we never walk alone, but God stays with us every portion of the journey! We have to remain vigilant to the strength God freely gives. Life will hand…

Let freedom ring!

And the truth will set you free… John 8:32 What does freedom look like? To define freedom we must first look at slavery; confinement, chains, immobility, and imprisonment to name a few. But what about some of our illnesses that ‘confine’ us? Depression, cancers, heart disease, diabetes, so on and on… We cannot free ourselves from all of these, but God can! And if He chooses to let our bodies have these things, then maybe, just maybe, it is because He knows we are strong and able to learn and conquer over these things. Is…

Follow the path

A path can look like any stretch we choose to walk/follow. Some are straight, wide, and ambling roadways; others are crooked, narrow, and practically vertical! Each will lead us somewhere but the amount of strength and perseverance will vary greatly. What does your path look like? The one less traveled with thorns, brush, and difficult navigation could very well be the one God has called you to travel! Father God, walk this path with me, catch me when I ustumble or fall. Heal the brokenness in me. For all who read these words please pour out blessings. Amen Sandra…

People……the good, the bad, the “ugly”

I am sure you have heard the expression, “that’s ugly”, but have you ever really stopped and thought about those words? I shy away from calling a person ugly, beauty is defined very differently from person to person; but actions can be very ugly. Today I experienced ugly! During my shift at work a woman came to pick up her prescription and became so angry and hostile because her insurance wouldn’t cover it, she was too early in refilling, and she didn’t want to pay anything out of pocket. She yelled, accused…

Are you serious…..the early years continued

As I previously shared, my first marriage was a “train wreck about to happen” due to both of our childhoods. I didn’t trust men and he didn’t trust women. Plus, he was twice divorced which should have been my clue but I was too naive and stubborn. I was so determined to be the ‘perfect’ wife I completely lost me in the mix. I tried to keep him happy, doing for him, and all the while I forgot about me. At the same time that I was trying so hard-he was…


Several years ago a friend shared some irises with me and I planted them in my yard. They didn’t bloom until this year. Timing is very interesting and it is all God’s. Why do things happen when they do? Why do we have to wait for so many things in life? I can’t answer those, but I know God has this and is taking care of all things. People and illness, heartache, sin, and broken lives. Please join me in praying for all who suffer. Thank you Lord, may the lost be found, the…

The early years

Peace and comfort

For God so loved the world…. John 3:16 God has blessed us with beauty all around. I had the privilege to sit and enjoy some peace at a local garden center plus fellowship with some wonderful women! God has blessed us greatly with beauty in flowers and friends! Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers and providing guidance for what we need…

God has a plan

For god so loved the world…John 3:16 We hear this verse a lot but it is usually in regard to the gift of Christ, which is awesome, but it is also awesome to remember God  gave because he loves us so much!! Dear Lord , remind us daily how much you love us. Let me share that love with those I meet, work with, and live with. Amen Sandra Sanders, boundless trust…

My God is an awesome God

God is awesome and amazing. Finally, we are having spring weather and it is so beautiful! Flowers blooming, trees budding, the sights and sounds of birds and animals is so refreshing AND THEN, TODAY….SNOW!!!! God does have a sense of humor and I realize that quite clearly as I peek out my window on this day. The wind is blowing, the snowflakes, although small, are flying, and I am bundled up in jeans and a jacket because I am freezing. All of this after having the windows open last Friday and wearing capris because I was so warm…

God, are you there?

Sometimes, life is busy and hectic and I  feel as if I am getting nowhere! And I have moments I holler out to ask God why, who, What, where. I am in the process of ‘remaking’ myself. I have a new job which means a new skill must be learned, new co-workers must be experienced and I love working with people but sometimes,  sometimes, it is just too much!! Then, I cry out, “God , are you there? Is this really what you want me to do? Isn’t there some other way?” Sounds familiar…

So…here I am God

Our God is an awesome God, truly amazing, magnificent, and wise. Me on the other hand….whoa. I am growing older and yet I feel stuck. No matter what job I hold,  I  feel someone is always better, smarter, wiser; and even if they aren’t really they keep telling me they are. Even in my field I hold a degree in, and have 35 years of experience, I had a young 24 year old acting as if they held the knowledge of the universe within their brain. Really?!! My degree is early childhood development, I have raised…

Hello Wednesday

I can do all things through christ who strengthens me.   This is still my current theme song. I am going in for my shift at work and I pray God allows me to touch someone’s life today. He is an awesome God and longs to be with us!   Walk with me father God! Be with all today, as well. Amen Sandra Sanders boundless trust…

Our God is……

Our God is an awesome God!!! He gave Ohio sunshine and warmth on Easter! And snow (!) at 2:30 in the morning! So, April fools day is on the 2nd this year . Haha May God give you blessings upon blessings this season,  amen…