Forming Physically and Mentally Healthy Habits!

1Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.
It took me until I was 30 years old until I realized that I could control my thoughts. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, the great author and orator changed my life with his book, The Power of Positive Thinking. He taught me how to read the Word of God, and how to truly seek Him. Twelve years of Catholic education never taught me that.
It’s as if I were hit with a bolt of lightening, as I truly read the words of Jesus for the first time. Mass is filled with scripture. However, Bible Studies didn’t become the norm until the 80’s-90’s.
Over the years, God taught me to help people that struggled with ingrained, dysfunctional, mental habits. He always sent them to me in the most obvious ways. They were so obvious, that when I’d show my husband an email, he’d comment. “Honey, you’ve got to minister to that person a.s.a.p.”
Over the years, God gave me some prolific wisdom to share. I had been there and done that. No one knows better how to solve a problem, unless you’ve lived through it and conquered it.
I’m a warrior and a conqueror, only through the wisdoms that the Holy Spirit provided.
Each one of these points will have a page in the book that I am currently working on.
Admit you have a problem-Half of your battle is already won.
Be Brave.
Seek Medical Attention.
Follow their directives diligently.
It’s Not Your Fault.
A.There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. A chemical brain imbalance can happen to anyone, anytime, through no fault of his/her own. Drug users and alcoholics are an entire different issue.
B. Genetics play a big role. You can’t help the way you were born. You can help how you deal with it, to solve the problem.
C. Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t Self-loathe.
III. Place Your Mind in God’s Hands.
“Be Ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Immerse yourself in God’s Word.
Positive Self-Talk( Beth Moore and scripture memorization.)
Change your Stinkn Thinkn.(Joyce Meyer)
Repeat a zillion times…I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength.
Once you believe you can…..You will.
Look for the good in people. It’s easy to find the bad.
Quit listening to the news and programs that upset you. You just fuel the fire. GOD IS ON THE THRONE. “Jesus I surrender myself to You. Take care of everything.”
Quit Dwelling On Yourself.
Get busy.
Create diversions to keep from thinking about yourself.
Take a class.
Get a part-time job.
Become creative. Get a hobby.
Stress is a Killer.
Don’t be a hero. What matters most, a clean house, or your emotional well-being?
You can’t be all things to all people.
Don’t Expect Things to Change Overnight.
It takes time to form new physical and mental habits.
He will never leave you nor forsake you.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Gather unto yourself those suffering from depression. Send angels to minister to them. Teach them to believe that there is a way out of the darkness, if they,”Reach towards the Light.”
In Jesus Precious name. Amen.

Sue Cutler,  fearless faith