So…here I am God

Our God is an awesome God, truly amazing, magnificent, and wise.

Me on the other hand….whoa. I am growing older and yet I feel stuck. No matter what job I hold,  I  feel someone is always better, smarter, wiser; and even if they aren’t really they keep telling me they are. Even in my field I hold a degree in, and have 35 years of experience, I had a young 24 year old acting as if they held the knowledge of the universe within their brain. Really?!! My degree is early childhood development, I have raised two children to adulthood, neither has been in jail and both hold college degrees!! In this day I call that success and experience! Perfection? Heck no! And I am still learning in my field of choice, however I am expanding my knowledge to a new field and it’s not easy! For some reason God  has put me here and I’m trying to be obedient. Putting up with so many changes, learning to cope..again!

Lord walk with each of us today. Through each trial and tribulation , amen

Sandra Sanders, boundless trust