Angels are among us……everywhere……and when we least expect them. My Tech Wizard, Jenn had an angel experience, not too long ago.
Before I begin her little, miracle story, I need to give you some background. Four years ago, she gave birth to twin girls. I’ll identify them as Jan and Jill. Unfortunately, they were premature, and spent a great deal of time in the ICU.
Jan was small, but came home with few problems. However, Jill had a great deal to overcome. She was sent home with trachea/feeding tubes. The feeding tube was removed, causing her great confusion. She struggled to eat on her own.
Considering the fact that Jill still has the trachea tube at 4 years old, she has many surgeries in her future. There are days when mom and dad are ready to throw in the towel.
Recently, they were out to dinner. Jill, struggling to eat, caused a bit of mayhem. As dad went to pay the bill, Jenn began to gather the girls to leave. When out of the corner of her eye, she envisioned a woman in a booth motioning her to come over. The one thing Jenn didn’t realize, is that she was just about to receive a cheerleader from heaven.
The woman spoke. ”Hi sweetie! Look at these little Darlings! How old are they?” Jenn responded. “They’re almost 4 and a real handful!”
“The reason that I called you over is the following:
*I had a trachea tube until I was an adult.
*With surgeries, mature muscle development, and speech therapy, I built a normal life.
*Your Little One will too. Be strong, ask God for help, and He will see you through!
*I have become a cheerleader for you, and will keep you in my prayers.”
As they were checking out/paying the bill Jenn turned to thank the woman. You guessed it! She was nowhere to be found.
Jenn was walking on air the rest of the day! God brought light into her darkness! AMEN!
Color: Angelic White(Smartcoat)- The color represents complete, wholeness, purity. Accent Color: Hollandaise Gold -Jewelry…
04 September 2017God’s richest blessings to those who follow me. I am in the process of…
04 September 2017
Ruth Foster | 4th Sep 17
Love when God smiles on us and gives us God-incidences! !