Colors: Security Colors are gray, black, white. Love colors are reds. So reds, grays and black. Zinsser Smartcoat/Red My Mind/Vapor Gray/Nori Black….beautiful, strong combination of color palette

Value of Concentration: We are secure in his love.

Memory Verse: Hold me, ABBA, never let me go.

Good Morning, ABBA, Father,

This morning, I need something rather strong, to drink, as I write. So, my Cup of Fancy is my Strong, Black, Green Mountain, Dark Magic Decaf. Gotta be the decaf, or my brain and emotions would be a frizzle.

Since I am the last surviving member of my birth family….I tear up rather easily.  I find myself missing my mother, sisters, and granny, readily.

As I write this one, it’s rather tearful for me. For when I write to You, ABBA…your love, strength, and tenderness are those I sought within relationships; my father image was not a good one.

Raised an immigrant street kid, my father had to fight to survive. However, he suffered from a severe mental illness, which deeply effected us all; domestic violence, included.

Whenever I see a daddy daughter dance, or fathers holding their little girls, on their laps, I tear up easily. I lived in constant fear of him, until I was in high school.

He was such a good man at heart. He was a believer, worked 2 jobs, so that we had more than he did, as a child. We all had 12 years of Catholic Education. LOL! YIKES! The nuns and pre-Vatican II was not fun.

No one knew what depression/mental issues were back in the 60’s. In my book,   THE ERSTWHILE ACORN, soon to be published, tells of how God took me apart, and put me back together, the way He wanted me to be.

Through Your Holy Word, You recreated me and trained my brain, to think through The Holy Spirit.


How many times have I pictured myself crawling upon the lap of Jesus. He holds me, cuddles me, and says, 

“You are secure in MY LOVE!”  “I’ve got your back, and we will get through this together.”

My husband, had a very controlling non-loving mother. LOL! YEP! The baggage the two of us had to overcome was not pretty. However, after 51 years, we’ve done a great job.

It is human nature to struggle in relationships. Marriages, friendships, and often time, children come and go.

You, ABBA are the glue that holds me, my husband, kids, and friendships together. 

Praise You, ABBA, for re-creating me…from changing MY MESSY TO MIGHTY!

Thank You, for blessing me this day.

MY CHILD: Isaiah 43:1 “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name…YOU ARE MINE.”

You have no idea how much I love you.  The legalism, in which you were raised, taught you the God of fear..not a GOD OF GRACE.

When I told you to,”Seek Me, as did the woman with the issue of blood,”you went at it full force.  Since that evening when you were 7 years old, looking up at the clouds, trying to seek my face….I CHOSE YOU. Never doubt that you are my Little Girl.  My arms are always open. I love you.


ABBA, Father

Hebrews 3:1 Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess.

Isaiah 26:3  You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

2 Cor.4:18 So we fix not our eyes on what is seen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.